Chapter 16

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We were on a plane. That's the only thing that Antonio had told me. All I knew was we were on our way back to his home in California. For the whole flight he was going to leave me in the seat opposite him. The only catch was that I was blindfolded and my wrists were tied to the arm rests. This had been the case ever since I had woken up from my drugged state.

I spent the first 30 minutes or so begging for answers, but he gave me none. Apparently I didn't deserve any answers because I defied him.

"You know what, I think I prefer you like this. Maybe I should keep you tied up more often. What do you say sweetheart?"

I couldn't see Antonio but I could feel him staring at me while mocking my current state.

"I say fuck you Antonio! You fucking son of a bitch let me go now!"

I started screaming again. I knew that he just enjoyed setting me off and that if I was smart, the correct and safer thing to do would be ignoring him. That just wasn't my style. If he was going to insult me then I would do the exact same thing back.

With my vision impaired, I failed to notice that Antonio had moved from his seat opposite me and now was, presumably, crouched down in front of me. I only noticed this when I felt his strong grip on my jaw, not that I could move away from him even if I tried - thanks to the bounds. I could feel his hot breath fanning against my face and to say it was driving me mad would be a huge understatement. I hated everything about Antonio, from his beliefs to his personality but my body couldn't help but react wildly whenever he gave me the slightest touch. He was literally like a drug to me, I knew exactly how bad he was for me and hated the idea yet part of me still craved his touch. I didn't know how to do it, but it was vital that I shut down that part of me.

"Darling, you just keep on adding to the list of reasons I need to punish you."

My heart stopped when his lips were suddenly on mine. It took me a moment or two to fully comprehend what was happening. His lips were so soft against mine. I tried to pull away but his response was to hold my head in place and continue the kiss. He clearly wasn't getting my message so I bit down on his lip, tasting his blood, but Antonio only chuckled and pushed his tongue into my mouth, fighting for his dominance. My head was yanked back, showing off my neck to him, when he wrapped my pony tail around his hand and made a sharp tug, sending instant shots of pain to my delicate scalp. I let out a whimper as the pain dulled down and he began to kiss and suck on my neck - no doubt leaving a trail of hickeys. I hated this, despite what my body showed. That I hated even more, how my body betrayed me.

When Antonio pulled away from my neck he placed a final kiss on my lips, making me shudder in a mix of pleasure and fear.

"What? Nothing to say now baby?"

I could hear the arrogant tone in his voice, that was enough to finally push me overboard. I spat at him. It was the best I could do with no use of my limbs, because of the blindfold I didn't even know for certain if I had spat at him in my target area (his face) but his silence was reassuring to me. That was until my head was swung to the side by Antonio's powerful hit.

I had little time to recover before a hand wrapped around my throat and slammed my head back against the head board. But he didn't release me, no, he just pressed harder so I began struggling to breathe.

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