Chapter 4

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This chapter may be triggering to some due to depictions of domestic abuse


Slowly I began to wake up from my sleep that I couldn't remember falling into. My initial thoughts were that maybe I had fallen asleep in the office, but I disregarded that once I realized I was lying down. I hadn't opened my eyes because my head was ringing. How could that be? I had not been drinking so it couldn't have been a hangover....

Suddenly everything came rushing back - the dead bodies, the men, Alexander and his brother Antonio. But above all I remembered being drugged.

I chose that moment to sit up, eyes open. However I overestimated my recovery time to the drug as my face contorted due to the painful pounding in my head.

"It took you longer than expected to wake up,"

I glanced up and saw Antonio who was leaning against the door to the room I was lying in. The room was dark and dusty. There were no windows and the only light source was the flickering light which dangled from the center of the ceiling, however the switch was clearly not inside of the room as I couldn't see it. The room stank and upon further inspection I noticed the blood stains that were splattered on the walls and floor like graffiti. And there I sat at the center of what seemed to be a prison cell on top of an old mattress which was partially torn open in areas, the filling also spilling out of it. I was shaking uncontrollably, though I hadn't even had time to recognize my own fear.

"Why have you taken me"

Antonio just chuckled at me although it lacked humor and I could tell it was more threatening than friendly.

"I don't think your in a position to be asking questions Alice"

He clearly drew out my name and said it bitterly. I began to cry as I started my next question.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I was practically sobbing and I looked up at Antonio to see he was moving slowly towards me, like a predator to its prey. I stilled as he crouched down to my level, too nervous to move but also prepared to sprint away.

He let out a heavy sigh, he was only a few inches away so I felt his warm breath on my face.


I barely had registered his answer as I found myself lying on the mattress, my hand cradling my burning cheek. He had slapped me.

"I told you Alice, you are in no position to ask questions. Consider that a warning, and I'd take it because you sure as hell won't be getting another one."

I just sobbed into the rotten material. Instantly flashes of my past abuser came into my mind and I knew that I would find myself in the same treacherous loop I had only recently gotten out of.

I heard the door close, and I don't know if it was due to the hit or just exhaustion but once again I let sleep take me.

"Shirt off" Ryan told me, his voice filled with hate.

"I'm sorry, please" I tried to get him to show me mercy but I knew it was pointless.


I complied, it was all I could do. I had gone out without telling Ryan and now I would be punished. I deserved this

The first strike was like a tease. It stung but I knew worse was to come. After about 10 strikes I started to cry and after 20 I could no longer hold back my screams.

Each time the thick belt was brought down on my back, leaving more lash marks I knew would never really heal, I felt more and more pain.

Eventually he stopped. It must have been around lash 30 by now. He just walked away, leaving me to fall to the floor, half naked and covered in my own blood from the deep cuts on my back. He used to make me thank him, after each hit. But now he knew I was brainwashed. I was almost subconsciously thankful for the punishment. I had been taught to think that if I did something wrong, pain was what I deserved.

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