Chapter 17

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Just a warning to everyone before you start, this is an extremely violent chapter. Do not feel as though you need to read it. The story still will make sense.


When I woke up, the first thing I realized was that I had been moved from the car. I didn't understand how I had not woken when someone presumably carried me inside, but that was such an unimportant thing to spend my time thinking about.

A slight gasp unconsciously found it's way out of my mouth when I saw where I was. The room was like the one I'd been placed in when I first arrived. It was cold, dark and obviously in the basement. The striking difference was the instruments displayed on the walls of the small room. There were all sorts of terrifying devices, whips, knifes and even ordinary garden tools. However all of the weapons scared me beyond compare because I knew there was a truly agonizing way for Antonio to use each one.

I had not noticed but I was also strapped into a chair, arms and ankles tied to it's metal frame. I shuddered as I remembered the last time I was in a similar situation to this with the same tormentor. Something else that I had not realized was Antonio's dark presence. His figure slowly got closer to me as he moved from his leaning position against the door frame.

"I'm going to give you a choice here."

I hoped for his words to have a pleasant meaning but was immediately disheartened when he gestured to the weapons.

"Now....pick a number from one to four."

He spoke so cheerfully. His excitement was clear and it was sickening to me. The fact that he seemed happy and jolly just made the whole situation so much more sinister. I felt all of the hairs on my arms rise up and goosebumps began to appear on the surface of my skin as a result of my eminence fear.

"Look, I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have escaped. I swear I never will again!"

I was trying to reason with him, though my words were not all true. I could try and escape again. He said himself that if I hadn't gone straight home I may have had a chance. As far as I knew my way of getting money hadn't drawn attention so if I did the same but got on a flight to somewhere  unpredictable, then it could work.

"Pick. A. Number."

He spoke slow and clear. Still I could only shake my head, desperately trying to prolong my supposedly inevitable punishment. Once he had caught on to my silence he screamed in my face,


I was taken back by his sudden outburst and watched cautiously as he leant down and breathed against my face, seemingly calming himself down.

"Trust me, you don't want me to pick for you."

He nibbled my ear slightly before pulling away to assess my reactions.


I quickly blurted out hoping it was the right decision. Antonio smiled. Shit. That was an automatic give away that it had not been a good choice, not if it made him happy.


He strolled over the wall. He then paused and placed his hands in his pockets while letting out a deep breath.

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