Chapter 15

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Trigger warning: This chapter may trigger people sensitive to psychological hospitals or struggle/ have struggle with mental illness


The first thing I noticed when I began to regain consciousness was the pain in my head. From there it didn't take me long to remember what had happened. I had been drugged and accused crazy by my own colleagues when I had tried to help everyone. Now it made sense why the police had no interest in my information earlier on, had they been the ones to call the prison?

The second thing I noticed was my inability to move. My eyes opened to reveal a piercing white light that was strung up to the ceiling. By now it was becoming clearer where I was. The sterile and silent nature of the room was enough to raise my suspicion of my whereabouts. I was begging in my own thoughts for me to be wrong but when I looked down my assumptions where only confirmed. I was in the psych ward.

My body was strapped down to the bed. There were thick, sturdy black cuffs made of leather securing my ankles and wrists in place so I couldn't move from the position I was lying in. Someone obviously had changed me because I was now wearing the knee length, cotton gown that all the ward patients wore.

The room, other than the bed, had a cubicle with a toilet and sink but that was all. The showers were in a separate area as well as the canteen. Everything was painted a sickening white, combined with the piercing bright light it was enough to give me a headache. The floors were tiled and I knew how cold it's surface would feel against my now bare feet.

I started to yell out so someone would come and give me answers. I wanted to know why I was even here in the first place, I wasn't crazy at all but here I was. Then, why the hell was a being restrained and drugged like all the violent and seriously problematic patients. All I had done was talk to my boss about a very serious chain of incidents that had occurred a few days ago. Above all that was the biggest question. Why was everyone ignoring this? A huge criminal had escaped, many people had been murdered and I had been kidnapped yet everyone was telling me nothing had ever happened and everything was fine. There was no way the prison was one of Antonio's allies. I had worked there for a while and something like that couldn't slip past me....right? Maybe they were denying everything so the public wouldn't panic, but that wouldn't explain my whereabouts. Unless of course I really was crazy. Maybe it was all in my head.

Perhaps all this stress I was experiencing had led me to develop a delusional disorder or paranoia. It wasn't impossible, but everything happened so clearly in my mind.

I was screaming so loudly now that my throat was becoming raw, still no one came. Now I understood why these rooms where almost entirely sound proof. In fact, now I knew what my patients felt like. I stopped yelling, too tired to do anything but cry. The drug was still in my system and probably was the reason for the majority of my drowsiness yet I'm certain the screaming didn't help. That had drained me of the little energy I did have. I tried to fight it but eventually allowed myself to fall asleep, after all, it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

"Ryan, your drunk, please just let me hel-"

"Shut the fuck up you little bitch!"

The harshness in his tone was enough to make me flinch as I realized that Ryan wasn't playing nice tonight. He stepped towards me, I immediately started to go back but found myself hitting a wall - trapping me instantly with no choice but to wait for the pain. Suddenly Ryan gripped my jaw, his fingers digging in to my skin. I was certain that alone would leave a bruise but much worse was going to follow.

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