1. The Crossroad

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Harry was hiding behind whatever he could find in Little Hangleton's graveyard while dueling Voldemort. But while running from behind a tree to hide behind a gravestone, he was hit by a very well aimed Killing Curse from the Dark Lord's wand.

Once he was up, he found himself in a very bright environment. He was startled when a voice behind him, spoke "You need to get back to the living world Harry". He whirled around to find his parents walking towards him. "Mum? Dad? Where am I?", Harry asked. Lily answered "You are right now at a crossroad that looks like the Kings Cross Station. This means that the Horcrux inside you has been destroyed". Harry was confused. Seeing the confused look, Lily was about to say something when James beat her to it "Not now son. Now is not the right time. Go back to the living world and defeat Voldemort. Relieve our world of his tyranny".

But Harry was desperate. He didn't want them to leave him alone and go away as he had pushed his limits in tolerating the Dursleys. "No Mum! Dad! Don't leave me! Please! Please!". Saying so, he tugged at them and pulled them with him.

He then saw himself getting up in the graveyard. All the death eaters, who had assembled after Voldemort had resurrected, quickly fled the place, leaving him alone with Wormtail to deal with Harry. While Voldemort took his time to process what happened, Harry shot a spell at Pettigrew to prevent him from turning into his Animagus form and stunned him instantly.

He then started dueling Voldemort. While the Dark Lord resorted to using the killing curse, Harry retaliated using a more powerful disarming spell, which got the better of Voldemort, killing him instantly. But no one noticed the fact that Dumbledore had apparated along with the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge and a few aurors including Alastor 'Mad - Eye' Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt into the periphery of the Little Hangleton's graveyard

A/N :
I wrote this keeping in mind that Dumbledore had already destroyed the rest of the horcruxes including Nagini in the one year after the Chamber of Secrets incident while using Sirius' escape as the distraction.
And, Barty Crouch Jr was caught and given the Dementor's kiss after the lesson on the Unforgivables.

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