29. Turning 15 - 1

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Lily made sure that Snape never brings his prejudices out against students.

Lily informed Harry about Snape's promise the day it occurred and slowly broke that news to the others as well. Charlus and Dorea were quite happy about the promise. While James, Sirius and Remus didn't say anything, their better halves had a lot of in calming them down as they wanted to hex and prank him to oblivion for hurting Harry. They only calmed down when Harry told he wanted to give the potions master a chance.

It was 3 days before Harry's birthday. He had gone over to the Weasleys for the day and won't be back until tea. So, his family grabbed on to this opportunity of his absence and plan for his birthday. They were thankful that all the planning was done about an hour before Harry returned because they would be able to leave before he returned (Harry didn't know they were at the castle). They had called the Longbottoms and roped them in as well as Neville's birthday was only a day prior to Harry's birthday.


Harry woke up bright and early that day. It was 6:00 am in the morning that day (He usually woke up at 7:00). He went down after brushing his teeth and taking a shower to have his breakfast. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw that it was his favourite breakfast combo - Eggs and Bacon with toast.

He was surprised to find Neville there. "Hey Neville. Happy belated birthday. Sorry I couldn't wish you yesterday." he wished the other boy as they gave each other a man hug. "How come you're here?" asked Harry. "I honestly don't know. My dad told me yesterday that we were coming here for something." Harry just nodded and both the teens ate their breakfasts.

After breakfast, James pulled both the boys aside to talk. "Boys, I want to show you something. But I'll get roasted if I show it to you without my dad, Frank, Sirius and Remus coming with me. Wait for us at the back porch." They nodded at this and made his way to the back porch while James fetched the others.

Once everyone was there, the group made their way to the garages in the property. Harry had once asked his dad what that was, but was told that he'll know it soon enough. Once they were inside, the teens were gawking when he saw the number of cars and bikes in that place. They started exploring around. Harry nearly fainted when he set his eyes on his most favourite bike, The Triumph Bonneville T120. The hood above the petrol tank was white in colour. While the rest was black.

 While the rest was black

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Triumph Bonneville T120

Triumph Bonneville T120

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Brough Superior SS100

While Harry was busy checking his favourite, Neville found his favourite one. The Brough Superior SS100. He was head over heels when he saw that. The men were beaming when they saw that the boys had found their favourite bikes in the garage. Charlus then told them "Hey you two. You can take these two for a ride if you want." The boys all but jumped at him after he told them that and took the keys after thanking him.

They learnt how to ride them pretty quickly and were riding it around the property. Not being able to hold themselves back, the marauders, Frank and Charlus too picked bikes and rode along with the teens.

What Harry and Neville didn't know was, this was just a distraction as they wanted the birthday party preparations to remain a surprise until it started.

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