30. Turning 15 - 2

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Charlus, James, Sirius, Remus and Frank take Harry and Neville to the garage and let them pick a favourite bike each and start riding them.

The preparations for the party was going on as planned. Both Neville's and Harry's parents had 13 birthdays to cover. So they quite literally scouted about looking for what both of them liked.

Both the boys had many things in common. Like, both liked bikes. They even loved having Treacle Tart for dessert and collected chocolate frogs. So, everyone who came for the party made sure they had got enough chocolate frogs with them along with their other gifts.

The birthday bikers came in with flushed and smiling faces. Augusta knew that Frank, Alice and Neville had come over and Harry and her grandson had gone out to ride bikes. She loved the fact that Neville is acting like a normal teenager, who loves to talk about quidditch, bikes and studies.

Lunch was a jovial affair. Lily's parents too had come in and wished the boys a very happy birthday. Lily had told them that Neville had celebrated his birthday the day before. So, they had brought a present for him as well.

The teens were now spending time in Harry's room. They were talking about the upcoming year as they were to take their O.W.Ls. Neville was pretty much astounded to see his friend's collection of books in his room. As usual, he picked up a book on herbology and started reading once he was comfortable on one of the bean bags.

Harry meanwhile picked up a book on DADA and did the same. None of the two noticed their mums open the door to the room as they were engrossed in reading. "Hey you two!" Said Alice drawing their attention. "Hey mum/Alice. What's wrong?" "Nothing. We wanted you to wear these clothes that we've kept on the bed and come down. We'll be going to Diagon Alley."

The boys looked at them suspiciously, but complied. Once they got to where the sit outs were, they saw James waiting for them. "Ready boys?" He asked. He held on to their shoulders once they nodded and apparated them into the ballroom.

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