59. OWLs - 2

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The OWLs and NEWTs begin.


Harry looked at his test, and flipped through it, knowing that he should do the easy ones first. He caught sight of one.

Give the incantation and wand movement for making objects fly.

With the image of a troll, Harry grinned and started writing. A few of the questions he needed to think about, as he hadn't considered them before.

There are two spells described as "Freezing" spells: Glacius and Immobilus. What is the difference, and give an example of the correct time to use each.

What are the dangers of using the Bubble Head charm?

He found that he was able to give quite a lot of detail on a few of the questions, and took the entire time writing, though his writing hand felt like it was going to fall off by the end of it. When they were finished, they all handed in their exams with groans of relief.

Lunch followed, though no one took time to enjoy the break .They were preparing for the practical, though Harry was less worried about that one. True, he was a bit concerned, but only because he didn't want to disappoint Flitwick, who had done so much for him over the past year, and all of his help with the DA.

Once again, they left the great hall to let it be transferred into a testing area, but this time they all had to wait out in the hall, and be called in individually and alphabetically.

When Hermione's name was called, Harry and Ron gave her an encouraging smile, and she squared her shoulders. Harry almost laughed, thinking that she looked as though she was walking into a battle, rather than a practical exam. Knowing that the day wasn't far off when they would be doing the former, he sobered quickly.

Ron looked at him curiously, wondering what caused the quick change in demeanour, but Harry just shook his head. No reason to freak his friend out. Especially not before an OWL. There would be more than enough time for that later.

Harry was called in, and Ron just grinned at him. Harry smiled back, and followed the examiner into the room.

"Alright, Mr. Potter. Can you please banish this chess piece onto the correct square?" the examiner said, showing a large, empty chessboard a few feet from Harry. He was asked to banish all of the back-row pieces onto the correct squares, and only the queen was a centimeter off of the correct square, so he thought he did alright on that part.

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