63. The Dating and Shopping Spree

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The OWLs finally get over.


There was a final Hogsmeade Weekend after the exams get over at Hogwarts. Harry and Ginny as usual decided to go together. But they noticed that there were other couples as well.

Other than themselves; Ron and Hermione; Fred and Angelina; George and Alicia; Katie and Lee and Seamus and Lavender, the following pairs had started dating during the gap between after their last OWL exam and their last Hogsmeade trip of the year,

· Dean Thomas and Parvati Patil

· Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass

· Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil

· Lisa Turpin and Terry Boot

· Michael Corner and Luna Lovegood

The whole group decided to shop and enjoy their last Hogsmeade weekend together. The teachers allowed all the students to visit the quaint village on both Saturday and Sunday.

So, they planned accordingly and shopped to their heart's content. Many members of the DA went shopping for books. Ron and Anthony chose to shop for books related to chess. Many chose quidditch books. Harry, Hermione and many other Ravenclaws bought books related to the careers they planned on pursuing after Hogwarts among others.

Hermione, Ron and Ginny were wondering as to how to fit the many number of books they had bought in their trunks. But luckily for them, Harry pointed out that the Marauders and Snape, along with their spouses always met up with each other on Hogsmeade weekends. So they could send the books back home with them and they could send the books to the Burrow and Hermione's house.

When the troupe of students met the Marauders and party at the Three Broomsticks, the older group gladly agreed to take the books home and send them to their respective homes.

The kids bade their goodbyes to the older group after lunch and proceeded to move out of the pub. But James pulled Harry to one corner and cast a privacy ward so that no one eavesdrops.

"What is it, Dad?" asked Harry. "Harry, I plan on buying you a very special trunk. That trunk will have different compartments for different things. Seeing that you are buying a lot of books for your studies AND looking for places where you can spend some lone time with Ginny, your mum and I have planned on buying you a multi-compartment trunk." Said James, adding the girlfriend part with a smirk.

Harry went beet red when his dad mentioned about the time him and Ginny were searching for empty brooms closets in the school. "How do you know about what Ginny and I were doing?" he asked, incredulously. "I have my ways of finding out, son. But as I was saying, the trunk you have right now, may be okay for the first few years of Hogwarts, but not for your sixth and seventh years by anticipating the amount of books you're going to purchase in these two remaining Hogwarts years. So, once you return back home, we're going to Diagon Alley and buying it. Then, you have the whole summer in front of you to pack and arrange the things you need into it."

Harry nodded at this and both went back to the group waiting outside once James removed the ward.

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