15. The Verdict

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Dumbledore was charged with many wrongdoings against the Potters and had been taken into Custody by the Ministry.

Once the necessary questions were asked, the court was dismissed for 20 minutes so that the necessary parties can deciding the punishment.

After those 20 minutes, the court gathered again and Fudge declared the verdict "Albus Dumbledore, you have been declared guilty of all charges. Hence your punishment is that you will be stripped of your magic AND will be given the Dementor's Kiss. All of your properties and wealth will be seized and given as a compensation to the affected parties" and banged the gavel for a signal of finality. The Dementors came in and took away the manipulative old man and that was the last time anyone had ever seen or heard from him ever again.

But no one knew that the administration team that had put Sirius in Azkaban without a trial were following these procedures very closely and carefully, looking for loopholes, so that they could get a chance to put the whole Potter Family and Sirius in Azkaban. Barty Crouch Sr and former minister Millicent Bagnold were seething when they found out that Dumbledore was gone.

But what these two didn't know, was that Sirius knew of their plans and was already halfway through drawing a plan to expose them as well. They had thought Black and Potter were illegal animagi. But Dumbledore had pointed out that they had already registered themselves. But now, all they had to do, was wait for another chance to make sure they head to Azkaban.

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