25. The Quidditch Match - 2

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Charlus Potter shows Harry the Abraxans as a surprise.


Dorea was watching the grandfather - grandson duo from the back porch. Just then, James, Sirius and Remus came out to see what was going on. "Dad's introduced Harry to the Abraxans I see." James commented casually. "Yes, he has. It won't be long before he shows him to the vintage and modern-day cars and bikes that you both have collected." Dorea replied to her son's statement, to which Sirius quickly added "And it won't be a surprise if you find James and me goofing around in the garage along with them." They saw the Abraxan descending and waited for the two to return.

After a few minutes, they saw Harry and Charlus flying towards the house. They landed on the porch, flushed. Their classic Potter messy hair was way messier than before as they had gone flying. "Ah! You two. Right on time for lunch. You know that your friends are coming over after lunch, right Harry?" "Yes gran. I'll just go freshen up and come. And hey you guys." Barked Harry when he saw his dad, Sirius and Remus as he came in. "Hey Harry! Had fun?" asked Remus. "Yep! Loads." They nodded and Harry went to his room to freshen up.

When he came down to the dining hall, he spotted his mum, Marlene and Dorcas. "Hey Mum, Marlene and Dorcas! I didn't see you three all morning. Where were you?" Marlene answered his question. "We had gone over to Alice's place. You know, Neville's mum. We were just having a girls day out. That's all." Harry nodded and started eating his lunch. It was a quiet affair as everyone wanted to have their energy to practice quidditch.

Just as Harry finished his lunch, he heard the floo roar. He went into the floo room to find the Weasleys coming by one by one. Ron was the first to come through. He ran over and gave Harry a man hug. Next were the twins, followed by Lee Jordan, Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Ginny, Molly and finally, Arthur. Bill was in Egypt; Charlie was in Romania and Percy was held up at the Ministry due to some work.

Everyone greeted each other. The Gryffindor Junior Team (As I like to call Harry's team) went to Harry's room and shut themselves there for quite some time to plan strategies. The Potter Castle was as old as the Hogwarts castle itself and had the exact same wards had been placed. That means, the underage wizards and witches inside the wards of the castle could perform magic without the Ministry apprehending them for underage sorcery.

When Harry told them this, everyone underage were ecstatic to perform magic outside of school. But it was decided that they'll start practicing after the quidditch match. Harry spoke up "Hey guys! This quidditch match was actually planned due to an argument that I had with my dad. We were discussing whether the team that he played with when he was at school is unbeatable or our current team is unbeatable. So, you guys know the rules. Angelina, Alicia and Katie are the team's chasers. Gred and Forge are our beaters. I'm the seeker and Ron, you're the new keeper since Oliver can't make it here and play and this will help you practice to actually make it to the Gryffindor team this year. Ginny, could you be our reserve chaser please?" Ginny agreed and also decided to help Ron with his keeping skills.

Ron was pleasantly surprised and agreed to it without any further ado. All of them had got their brooms. Ron and Ginny had actually got Bill's and Charlie's brooms respectively. All the guests had their mouths open like saucers when they saw the pitch. Soon enough, the balls were released and the practice started. Ginny too joined in and helped Alicia, Angelina and Katie train Ron to be a proper keeper. Harry was looking around for the snitch while the twins were working their hands out by swinging their bats to keep the bludgers away from the players.

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