50. Pranks and Presents - 1

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The ball went on to be a hit. The Bones, Abbott, Zabini and Greengrass families stayed back upon their children's insistence.


It was Christmas morning. All the adults were still sleeping due to all the dancing last night. At around 7:00 am in the morning, it was an organized chaos in the floor were all the children were sleeping. The entire gang that was still studying in Hogwarts, along with the six older ones – Bill and his girlfriend Fleur Delacour, Charlie and his girlfriend Nymphadora Tonks (Don't call her Nymphadora if you don't want to get hexed), Percy and his girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, were trying to get ready without trying to make any noise as the others were sleeping.

They knew that the grandparents were awake as they had seen them walking down the stairs to the dining room. They got ready fast and went down for breakfast. Halfway through, they were joined by Manuel Zabini, Daniel Greengrass and his wife Ariana, Edgar Bones and his wife Anastasia, Amelia Bones, Mr and Mrs Abbott and Mr and Mrs Weasley. They were surprised to see the kids up and ready even before they were up.

Breakfast was a simple affair. Everyone were pondering Harry about the Defence Association. He patiently answered the questions and cleared their doubts. Augusta was more than happy to find out that with his own wand and Harry's help, Neville was growing up to be a young and carefree teen that she always wanted him to be. She was totally okay with him doing what he was doing. She told him to focus on extra activities as well with the condition of not losing focus on his studies.

Arthur and Molly Weasley too were pleased that Ron's grades had considerably improved since the previous year. They encouraged him to continue that way.

The kids and the adults who were eating were nearly done when Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Alice and Emmeline, followed by Fabian and Gideon entered the dining room. "Where's dad, Sirius, Remus, James and Professor Snape?" asked Neville. "They're still sleeping. It's because of all that drinking last night. I hope those boys have a sobering potion and a headache potion before they get down."

Just then, Harry's eyes started gleaming with mirth. "I have an idea. Why don't we go and wake them up? Neville, why don't you take care of your dad while I take the others." Harry suggested. Neville's eyes too started gleaming with mirth. Dora too caught up and asked Harry. "Can I join you two? I'll take on Sirius and Professor Snape." The boys agreed and ran to where the victims were sleeping. "I wonder how the chaos is going to be." said Alice in an amused tone and the others nodded.

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