33. The Tests

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Harry speaks with McGonagall about switching his electives and tells her about his idea of forming a study group.

As promised, McGonagall returned two days later with end of year exams for Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. "Good Morning Mr. Potter. I hope that you have prepared well." She got a nod for a yes. "Very well then. Here are the papers. They're charmed to make the ink go red in case you're referring to some books or anything. Not that you'll do that but." she told. "Each paper is for an hour and a half. I'll be back after lunch to collect them.

Harry went and got his quill and ink and started working on Runes first. He finished it and gave the finished paper to his mum. "Is it cheating if I did a quick revision before starting my arithmancy paper?" Harry asked. "Not at all. Go ahead." Said Lily, giving her permission before returning her attention back to the newspaper.

After finishing his arithmancy papers, he checked it through once before giving it to his mum. "I think I've done okay." Said Harry as he was a bit unsure about this particular subject. "Don't worry sweetheart. You'll be sitting in the 5th year arithmancy class this year." Said Lily while giving him a hug. At around 1:00 pm, McGonagall came and took the papers with her and told him that he'll get his results by dinner.

Just before dinner, McGonagall flooed back to Potter Castle with Professors Babbling (Ancient Runes teacher) and Vector (Arithmancy teacher) in tow. He was a nervous wreck when he saw them coming in.

Professor Babbling asked him "How long have you been learning Runes, Mr. Potter?" "Since the beginning of summer, professor. And the same goes for Arithmancy too." replied Harry. "Well, here are your results for the third- and fourth- year papers that you've written.

Harry was gaping when he saw the results. He had received 'Outstanding' in both of his papers. "And here are your Arithmancy papers, Mr. Potter." It was again the same reaction as he had received an 'Outstanding' in his third-year paper and an 'Exceeds Expectations' in his fourth-year paper.

"Well done Harry! You've done it." Praised James as he clapped his son's back. He'll now be able to quit Divination once and for all. He thanked the professors and ran to his room once they left to write a letter to Ron and Hermione and tell them about this. He was unable to contain his smile ever since he saw his scores.

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