92. The Attack - 2

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The death eaters in Voldemort's Inner Circle from the First War came into the Hogwarts Grounds.


Remus quickly mirror called Sirius and asked him to get as many aurors he could get as they were severely outnumbered and started running towards the students and Hagrid along with Severus and Filius.

They noticed the Herd members who were there in school running towards the group by the lake. The teachers wondered how they got the message, but decided to dwell on it later, as they already had a pressing issue in front of them.

The Herd asked Hagrid to take Fang and get inside the castle just when Bellatrix started taunting them in a high pitch baby voice. "Finally fell to your trap, Potter? Aww! Itty bitty baby Potter and his baby friends have no one else to help them out?"

Just then, Fenrir pointed three teachers and a few more students running towards them. But everyone was shocked to see a greater number of people running towards them. Severus, Filius and Remus, along with The Herd members in school came to Harry and troupe's side.

Minerva ordered the house prefects except for the ones in The Herd to get the students back to their common rooms before going down to the battle scene herself. The death eaters turned around to run back to the apparition spot inside the forest only to be blocked by the graduated members of The Herd. Since there wasn't any escape route, the army of masked criminals started attacking, despite the fact that they were severely outnumbered.

Harry and the whole team started duelling them by the lake and started overpowering the death eaters before stunning the opposer. Harry ended up fighting Fenrir Greyback.

"We finally meet, Harry Potter. I know that you wanted to kill me when I abducted your dear uncle. What will you do now?" he taunted. He pocketed his wand and willed his werewolf teeth to appear so as to afflict Harry with lycanthropy. Harry realized what was happening, pocketed his wand, turned into Shadowpaw and tackled the werewolf just in time to prevent any injury.

The others thankfully had finished duelling and stunning all the death eaters except for Greyback. Charlus Potter, Lyall and Remus Lupin realised what Greyback tried to do when they saw Harry in his animagus form, trying to tackle the lycanthropic death eater to the ground.

The aurors, led by Amelia Bones and Rufus Scrimgeour arrived just in time with their aurors to see this brutal fight.

Shadowpaw had grown into a massive sized wolf when compared to the small pup he was back at the beginning of the summer after his fifth year. Hence, he had the upper hand over the lycanthrope and overpowered him by rendering him unconscious after being thrown against the tree by using his paw to hit him against the face.

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