7. The Meet

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Remus Lupin and Minerva McGonagall go to the graveyard in Godric's Hollow and revive James and Lily Potter.

While Remus and Minerva were at Godric's Hollow, Albus floo called Sirius and asked him to come over to the office with Harry. As they came in, Sirius asked "What is it Headmaster?" "Sirius, you do know what Harry told about the Kings Cross Station incident that occurred in the graveyard. I think it is true that James and Lily are alive and breathing. I've sent Minerva and Remus to go and check on them and get them here if it's true."

The two of them were shocked. They couldn't believe their ears. "Don't tell me you're joking. I'll be more than ready to hex you if you are." But even before the old headmaster could answer, Minerva and Remus landed in his office with none other than James and Lily themselves.

When the four of them steadied themselves, their eyes landed on the shocked faces of Sirius and Harry. Lily's eyes immediately started tearing up while James mustered the courage and spoke "Harry? Padfoot?" "Mum? Dad?" whispered Harry just before all of them heard a thud. They turned around to find Sirius knocked out on the floor.

Harry then walked to his parents and said "Hi." Not being able to hold back anymore, Lily pulled Harry into a massive hug and started sobbing on his shoulder. He hugged her back tightly and started rubbing her back in order to comfort her. James joined the hug a little while later and the trio stayed in the position, drawing comfort from each other, for quite some time.

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