56. The Last DA Meeting - 2

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Harry and Blaise engage in a friendly duel.


Blaise had to throw up a hasty shield as Harry sent two stunners and a disarming hex at him. He ducked down and cast a banishing charm at him. His casting speed was a bit slower, and he hadn't learnt the importance of sending more than one spell to be safe, so he was again put on the defensive as Harry continued to bombard him with spell fire. There were only a few times where Blaise was even able to get a spell off and then needed to put his shield back up. He tried moving around to dodge them so that he could counter, but he quickly tired. After less than ten minutes, Harry broke Blaise's shield with a Disarming hex, and knocked him out with a stunner.

The entire class was silent for a moment. It was known that Blaise was a strong wizard, and for a duel to be over that fast was impressive. After a moment, the class cheered for Harry as he bent over, panting slightly. He walked over and revived the slytherin, earning a glare.

"Where did you learn to duel like that?" he demanded, standing up.

Harry shrugged. "I was training with my family over the summer and Christmas holidays, and I've been practicing. You did pretty good. Just try to send more than one spell at a time to stay on the offensive." He advised him.

Blaise nodded and went back to his friends as Harry stood in front of the class. "Alright folks! That is an example of a duel. I want all of you to think about it over the summer and practice the spells you've mastered till now. Be prepared for revisions, tests and practice duels once we meet again after the summer holidays." The class dispersed as they chattered excitedly. The professors too complimented him and dispersed, as Ron and Hermione came over. "That was brilliant, Harry. "That was brilliant!" Ron told him enthusiastically. Harry chuckled. "Thanks, guys. I'm going to talk to Professor Flitwick for a bit, then I'll meet you in the common room."

His talk with Flitwick was fast. The Charms teacher complimented him on the duel and gave him a critique of it, breaking it down so that Harry could see what else he could have done. In truth, Harry had held back a bit. He didn't want everyone to know that he was studying and practicing spells that weren't taught for a while, and he definitely didn't want to showcase his nonverbal or wandless skills.

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