82. Situations

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Death Eaters attack Hogwarts and kidnap Remus Lupin so that they can get to Harry Potter.


James and Sirius share a knowing look and walk over to Harry. Sirius whispers something to Harry and the three of them walk out of the hall. Ron, Ginny and Hermione try to follow them, but Snape and McGonagall stop them telling that he needed some lone time with his father and godfather.

They nodded and stayed back. But not long after, all of them, except for the Slytherins were compelled to get back to their common rooms as there was nothing more to do and were told to tell their housemates that lunch will be served there itself.

Severus then turned to the students of his house. He had told only these students of his house about Draco Malfoy as they were a part of the DA and were bound to keep secrets due to the DA. "Did Malfoy do anything to bring the Death Eaters in?" he asked. Everyone except for Zabini shook their heads. "No Professor. He was sitting at one of the desks and writing what seemed like homework the whole time he was in the common room between breakfast and lunch." Said Daphne.

Severus nodded at this and asked Minerva if she could keep these students in her office until the common room is clear for them to go back. The headmistress readily agreed.

He then went to deal with a certain blonde headed ferret that he called a student of his house.


James and Sirius led Harry out of the Great Hall. They knew that he had a close bond with the Lycanthrope and knew that he wouldn't want to have a mental breakdown in front of everyone. So, when they reached the Room of Requirement, James immediately engulfed his son into a hug. The boy, even though 16, started bawling on to his father's shoulder.

The two older animagi knew that they had to control themselves as they had to comfort their son/godson. James led Harry to a couch that had magically appeared near them and held him close as Sirius sat on the other side and rubbed Harry's back in soothing circles. After a good 15 minutes, Harry calmed down and was sitting between the two older men, sniffling.

"You okay, buddy?" asked James. Harry shook his head and started ranting "Only if I had given-". His rant was broken by Sirius. "Moony wouldn't have wanted you to do it. All of us want you safe, Harry. You've been through a lot. Starting from when Dumbledore dropped you off at the Dursleys all those years ago, to what happened during all the first four years at Hogwarts and the Umbridge scandal last year. You deserve to enjoy your life, pup." Said Sirius gently as he broke Harry's rant.

Harry slumped on to his godfather's shoulder, knowing that he couldn't do anything. James, meanwhile, had called one of the Potter Elves and had it serve lunch for the three of them.

They ate quietly, thinking about how to get Remus back home.

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