41. The Blood Quill - 3

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Severus Snape gets to know about Harry's detention with Umbridge.


Harry saw a range of emotions in Poppy's eyes. But she controlled it and started working towards healing it. "I already made him dip his hand in Murtlap essence." Snape informed the Mediwitch. She nodded gratefully and bandaged his hand after applying some antiseptic salves.

Poppy asked Snape to come over to her office for a quick word. The potions master asked Harry to wait here as he walked into her office. "Who the hell is using blood quills in a school nearly filled with minors?" she hissed, her expression livid.

"Umbridge, that toad. I'm going to complain this to the headmistress and the minister. From what I heard, she was the only applicant for the DADA teacher's post. I didn't apply this year." He replied, trying to keep a calm demeanour. "Let's go outside. I don't want him to be alone in case she comes to the hospital wing." he said and the both of them were thankful to find Harry alone.

"Come on, Harry. We have to report this to McGonagall." said Snape and ushered him outside. Harry stopped right outside the door and pulled out the Marauders Map. Snape didn't know what that was. So, he asked "What's this?" "It's the Marauders Map. I'm using to check where Umbridge is so that we can avoid her. You nearly confiscated this one when I was out of bounds in third year."

Snape realised that it was this map that he nearly confiscated two years ago. He sternly added "I'm letting you keep this for now. But if I find you using this for breaking rules, I'll take it away and not return it until after your owl exams." Harry grinned sheepishly while he nodded and opened it "I solemnly swear that I am upto no good."

They were relieved to find Umbridge sitting in her office. They quickly went to McGonagall's office. Severus gave the password (Feline) and went in.

The next half an hour was spent explaining what the toad of an Umbitch did to Harry during his detentions with her. The headmistress was horrified. She exclaimed "This is preposterous! How can she do something like that!"

"I know Minerva. That's why, I'm informing the Minister and calling Lily and James over." Said Snape. He used Minerva's floo and called Lily and James. Thankfully, Lily was the one to talk to him.

"Hey Severus! Anything wrong? How's Harry?" She asked him, seeing his angry face. "Get James and floo over to Minerva's office. There's a huge problem created by Umbridge, the new DADA professor. I can't explain everything over floo." Lily understood the seriousness and told him that she'll be there in 10 minutes. He then called the Minister and told him to come over.

The chaos started once everyone arrived and heard what Umbridge did to Harry.

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