79. The Brewing Session - 1

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Severus gifts Harry a Potions Satchel and warns him about Draco and the death eaters.


It was a few days since Severus' warning. Harry had his hands full with the DA, Quidditch and his Studies. But the DA meetings were a bit easier since last year since he had his friends helping him out.

Since he had his upcoming weekend free, he went to the potions classroom to brew a few healing potions. He left the ones he had brewed last year at home and gave a few away to the school infirmary. The Mediwitch was touched by the gesture and awarded Gryffindor house 30 points for his help.

Harry entered the classroom to find Severus brewing a few potions. "Hello Harry. What brings you here? Don't you have homework?" he asked. "Nope. Finished everything. I thought I'll brew a few potions to stock up." he replied.

Severus nodded at this and told him "if you need any ingredients that are not there in the stores, ask me. I'll give you." Harry nodded and set up two cauldrons at once and started working at once on a batch of Calming Draught in one cauldron and a batch of PepperUp in another.

Snape saw what he was doing and asked "Which two potions are you working on?" "PepperUp and Calming Draught. Might need it." He replied. Snape nodded and went back to brewing the Wolfsbane potion. "What are you brewing?" asked Harry. "A potion for Hagrid to treat the beasts for his next CoMC class." He answered as he stirred the potion after he added an ingredient.

Both of them brewed their potions in silence. After taking the potions of the fire for cooling down, Harry set up two more cauldrons. He saw Severus scowling at a parchment. "What happened, Uncle Sev" he asked. "I just got a letter from Poppy saying that Peeves knocked over all of the potions that she and I brewed and socked up at the infirmary. That bloody poltergeist is annoying." Ranted Severus.

Harry too scowled at this. But he quickly took it off his face and asked the teacher "Can I help you brew too? It'll not take as long as it takes for just one person to do it." "Yes, Harry. If you can. But I hope that I'm not taking away your weekend." "No, you're not. I told my friends that I'll be down here brewing. So, they know where I'll be."

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