9. Returns

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Sybill Trelawney makes a prophecy about the light side returning.

Everyone was staring at the seer, who felt uncomfortable under everyone's gaze and asked, "Is everything alright?" "Yes Sybill. You were going to greet the couple I presume?" Asked Albus. "Y-Yes sir. It's good to see you two again." Said Professor Trelawney, for which the couple curtly nodded.

After all the greetings, Remus turned to the old headmaster and asked, "Does the prophecy mean that everyone who died in the hands of Voldemort and his army are going to return like James and Lily?" "Yes Remus. According to the first half, yes. May be, we can ask the members of the remaining members of Order of the Phoenix and the professors to check their graves and get them here." Everyone currently in the room agreed. Once the members of the OoTP and the professors arrived, the plans were finalized and put forth, everyone went about fulfilling their respective parts.

All the returners get to Hogwarts. Neville gets the news of his parents regaining their sanity and joins them to go to the great hall along with his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom.

All the returners were currently sitting in the Great Hall. All the students except for Neville and Harry were in their respective common rooms and were not allowed out. The Ministry was informed of this event. This made the current minister Cornelius Fudge and the Head of the Auror Department Rufus Scrimgeour come to the school with an entire army of Aurors and an entire barrel filled with Veritaserum and started checking everyone.

Once done, they went back home with their respective families and the only people left in the school other than students and teachers were Lily, James and their entire gang of friends and family, including the head of the DMLE Amelia Bones and her niece Susan Bones had come to the Great Hall to meet her parents. (List given in the end).

Just then, Lily asked Harry "Harry, your father and I missed fourteen whole years of your childhood and life. Could you tell us about that?" This caught the attention of James' and Lily's parents and they too came over. "Sure mum. I'll ask Professor Dumbledore if I could borrow his pensieve so that I can show my memories to all of you guys." Said Harry. "What's a Pensieve?" Asked Rose Evans, Lily's mother. "A Pensieve is a floating dish like object filled with a water like substance that allows you to watch a person's memories, grandma" answered Harry. The Minister had allowed Lily's parents, Remus' Mum and Susan's mum to stay in Hogwarts, even though they were muggles, so that they can spend time with their families.

People who returned

Lyall Lupin
Hope Lupin

Charlus Henry Potter
Dorea Ursula Potter

Marlene Kayla McKinnon

Dorcas Evelyn Meadowes

Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett

Edgar Bones
Anastasia Bones (Muggle)

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