81. The Attack and A Take Away

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Blaise and Harry were helping Snape in brewing potions for the Hospital Wing.


The quartet entered the great hall and went over to their respective tables. Harry was surprised to see his dad and Sirius sitting at the head table, next to Remus' and Severus' seats.

They smiled and nodded at each other before going back to what they were doing. But this peace was soon disrupted by a huge noise by the doors of the large hall. The whole hall was silent. There was another large bang and the door opened to show about 45 – 50 of the masked criminals standing.

Death eaters.

The whole advanced group of the DA, along with the professors whipped their wands out. The non-DA members, beginners group of the DA and the first and second - year students were put to the very centre of the group, so as to protect them. The teachers too took a front-line stance with the DA members.

Bellatrix Lestrange was the first one to speak. "Do you think that you'll be able to save your lives? Think again. We just need Potter and we'll be on our ways." "That'll happen only when you get through us, you bitch." Said a voice from behind the masked criminals.

All the followers of Voldemort turned around to see an army of about 50 aurors and hit wizards and witches. Everyone then turned towards them. Harry took advantage of this situation and whispered to McGonagall. "We need to send the first and second-year students back to their respective dorms, professor." "I know, Potter. But how. All of those masked men and women are blocking the doorway." She reprimanded. "May be we could use the stairs that leads to the kitchens. I know that it's there behind the door near the Head Table." He answered the question his Headmistress asked.

She nodded and some how managed to convey a message to the Aurors to keep the death eaters distracted while the house prefects escorted the students little by little to the door behind the head table.

One of the death eaters turned around and noticed that everyone except for the advanced group of the DA and the Professors had somehow left. "The students have gone." Shouted the man and got the rest of the army's attention. This enraged Bellatrix and ordered the army of death eaters to attack.

This attack was very strongly contained by the Aurors, Professors and the small student group. This lasted for no more than half an hour.

When the death eaters realised that they were being over powered, they did something which they thought would help them out. Fenrir Greyback got hold of Remus Lupin after injuring him just enough not to fight back, he shot out a few bangs from his wand to get everyone's attention. "Harry Potter, wherever you are. Surrender yourself now. Otherwise you're not going to see your beloved uncle alive."

But before the boy could do anything, the surviving death eaters got out portkeys and left the place. Greyback too went away, but he took Lupin along with him.

Everyone were horrified to see the DADA professor being kidnapped right in front of their eyes. They turned to Harry, who had a mixture of many emotions on his face, horror and anger being the most prominent ones.

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