71. Full Moon Endeavours - 1

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The Potter family, along with Sirius, Remus, Marlene and Dorcas play with Harry in his animagus form.


A week before Harry left for Hogwarts to start his sixth year, Remus was going to go through a full moon. He was already looking a bit peaky during the Hogsmeade visit. Harry, now that he could transform so very easily into his animagus form, wanted to accompany his dad and godfather into helping his uncle. So, he approached them.

"Dad, Sirius, Remus, I want to ask you three something." Said Harry, as he walked into the den. "What is it, Harry?" asked James. "I want to join you three on the full moon. Let me finish, you three." He added the last sentence when they were about to protest.

"I would've agreed you protesting against me coming with you if I didn't have an animagus form. But now, I have one and I want to meet Moony properly. You guys know how I met Moony last time. And plus, Remus, we will make sure you have your wolfsbane potion on time." He continued.

The men contemplated at this and James said "We'll have to talk to your mother about this, Har. If she says yes, then you can join us." Harry nodded at this and told "Yes, dad. I'll talk to her myself. I'll try and convince her to letting me come with you."

Harry got up after some time and went to find his mother. He saw her entering the dining room with a glass of Wolfsbane for Remus. Lily looked up when she heard footsteps to see Harry walk into the room. "Hey Harry! What's up?" she asked with a smile.

Harry smiled back and said "Mum, I want to ask you something. And I want you to answer it only after I finish explaining fully. Okay?" his expression had turned serious at the end of his sentence. Lily saw the seriousness and agreed. "Okay, Harry. What is it?" she asked. "I want to accompany Remus during full moon."

"Okay, continue." Was her answer at first. "I know that you're a bit sceptical about this mum. But there are a few advantages that might change your mind. One, I'll be in my animagus form. Two, Sirius and Dad are going to be there to help. Three, Remus is taking the Wolfsbane Potion. And four, from what I've read about werewolves, Moony thinks of me as his cub as I've already been near him once when Remus had transformed into Moony and he keeps calling me cub at times." He explained.

Lily agreed that she was a bit sceptical at first. But then she agreed to let Harry go with James and Sirius to help Remus during his transformations. "Okay, Harry. I give you the permission to go. But you should tell me your experience of what happens. Okay?"

Harry was practically jumping with happiness when his mum agreed and hugged her while he nodded affirmative. "Yes mum. I will." He then ran of to tell the Marauders.

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