22. The Shopping Trip - 3

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The group parted ways to do their own shopping after their work at Gringotts and fittings at Madam Malkins.

Once everyone came, they entered the bookstore. Lily had already gone to the stationery store and got Harry the amount of parchment, quills and ink that he required. Lily, Dorcas and Marlene went towards the potions section, Remus and Harry went towards the Defence section, Charlus and James went towards the Transfiguration section, while Dorea and Sirius went towards the Charms section. Once all of them had kept the books they had selected on the shop's counter. Harry, James and Sirius went back again to check out for some books on Occlumency and Animagus training.

"Animagus training?" enquired Harry with a surprised look. "Yes Harry. Sirius and I are planning on teaching you to become one." Just then, Lily and Dorea came there. "Thought so that you'd do it." Said Lily. "Please mum and gran! I want to learn too! It took them 3 years to do it. I'll be around 17 or 18 when I'll be able to do a full transformation on my own." Pleaded Harry.

"Ok. As long as one of these two are there with you until you're able to do it on your own." Said gran, giving her approval. They checked out and left the store with their purchases shrunk and pocketed. The Potter house elves took their purchases home once they were enlarged back to their normal sizes. They then went through the Leaky Cauldron to the muggle world.

Once there, they decided to go to the nearest clothing store they could find. It was branded store (A/N: Choose whichever branded clothing store you like to see them shopping in. I'm leaving this to my readers' imagination. Same thing goes on for the shoes as well). Again, the men and women in the group parted ways and started exploring the store. Charlus turned to Sirius and Remus and told them "You two here, choose whatever you want. I'm paying for it."

They looked as though they were going to protest, but James beat them before they could say anything "Yes, you two. No arguments. Especially you Moony. If you don't choose, I'll make sure that you'll wear whatever Padfoot chooses for you and burn whatever other clothes you have now. And don't choose the ones that are cheap. Choose whatever you like."

Knowing that they won't be able to argue back, they agreed and went to search for the clothing and shoes they liked. By the time they finished their shopping, it was well past 7:30 in the evening. So, they decided to have dinner in the 5-star hotel they found in that area.

They then made their way back to the Leaky Cauldron with their goods shrunk in their pockets and flooed back to the manor. All their purchases were sent to their respective rooms. They proceeded to the sitting room and sat on the couches and discussed about random stuff.

Harry suddenly remembered "Hey dad! Can we have our quidditch knockouts tomorrow after breakfast? I'll call the Weasleys over too if you want to have a match." "Yes, that's a good idea, Harry. We can even call the Longbottoms over. Frank Longbottom was a beater along with Sirius here. I was a chaser along with Marlene here and Edgar Bones (Yes. I'm putting him in in Gryffindor). Fabian Prewett was the seeker and Gideon Prewett was the keeper for the Gryffindor team when we were in sixth and seventh year. Unbeaten we were those two years." Said James as he accepted his son's challenge.

"Whatever you say dad. I'm the current team's seeker, as you know. The girls in our team, Angelina, Alicia and Katie are the team's chasers. Oliver Wood was the team's keeper. But he graduated. Ron's practicing to take his place. So, he's in our team. And lastly, his older brothers Fred and George Weasley are the team's beaters. I'll floo call them right away. I'll ask Fred and George to rope the girls in."

"Okay kiddo. But be quick. Tell them that the match is the day after tomorrow." Said James. Harry nodded and ran to floo call the Weasleys to come over, while James used another fireplace in the house to call the rest of his teammates and friends to come over to the Manor the next day for practice.

Boy! That's going to be a crazy match out there.

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