49. Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Harry asks Ginny to be his girlfriend.


It was Christmas time. About two weeks after the Hogsmeade visit, the kids had returned back from Hogwarts. The Weasleys (Including Bill and Charlie), the Grangers, Sirius and Marlene, the Lupins, the Tonks, the Longbottoms and Lily's parents moved into Potter Castle for the festivities.

All the kids (Except for Percy) spent their time outside most of the time. With James' and Charlus' approval, Harry and Neville taught the Weasley boys to ride bikes. Mrs. Weasley was a bit put off when it came to her sons learning to ride them. But with everyone convincing her that everything will be safe and the boys promising to get licences once they turn 18 (Coming of age in Muggle Britain), she had to give in. Sirius too got in with the boys to teach.

The ball went on as expected. The Bones, the rest of the members of the current Gryffindor team, Lee Jordan and his family, the Abbotts, and several others including Ministry employees were present. Surprisingly, Severus Snape, who generally didn't like social gatherings like this turned up with his date Emmeline Vance, which was a surprise. Severus and Emmy had been seeing each other ever since he met her at the Great Hall when they were interrogating the returners.

The kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves during the Waltz part. They totally enjoyed the after ball though. When it was only the people staying in the castle and a few other close friends, the Marauders decided they are going to play Muggle songs to which everyone should dance to. So, there was no surprise when anyone heard Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, and many other favourites.

The choice of songs was then moved on to Harry and his friends. Not many knew of muggle bands. So, it was Harry and Hermione who chose. It was mostly the same bands as mentioned above. But the added ones were Matchbox 20, Bon Jovi, Beastie Boys, The Verve and Pixies.

Upon insistence, the Greengrass, Abbott and Bones families too stayed behind as their daughters wanted to spend time with each other. Blaise Zabini and his father Manuel Zabini too stayed as they were the only ones in their Manor if they went back. Hence, the sleeping arrangements were thus,

· Harry, Ron, Twins, Neville and Blaise were in Harry's room.

· Bill, Charlie and Percy in a guest room.

· Hermione, Ginny, Hannah in one room. Astoria and Daphne Greengrass and Susan Bones were in another.

· The older couples (That is, James and Lily's generation and their parents had their own rooms. And this includes Severus and Emmeline) had their own rooms.

· Fabian and Gideon Prewett shared a room.

· Augusta Longbottom shared a room with Amelia Bones

· Augusta's brother Algie and his wife shared a room.

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