23. The Quidditch Match - 1

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James and Harry discuss about the quidditch match and floo call their friends to call them over to the manor for a friendly quidditch match.

At the Burrow
Ron, Ginny, Fred and George were sitting on the couch, talking about quidditch when Harry floo called. "Hey Harry! I didn't see you since we came back home from school with our uncles, you know." Chirruped Fred.

"Yes Freddie! I wanted to invite you over to my house. My dad and I have a quidditch match planned the day after tomorrow after breakfast. I wanted to invite you guys over so that we can plan something." Said Harry as he smiled. "Sure Har. Give me a minute. I'll ask Mum." Replied George to Harry's invitation.

"Ask me what?" Asked Molly as she came in when she had heard voices. "Oh, there you are mum! Harry has floo called right now and asked if we could go over to his home." Ron replied his answer to his mother's question. "Hello there Mrs. Weasley. I was wondering if all of you could come over. Mum and Gran don't have any problems with all of you coming over."

"Hello Harry dear! You sure about this?" Asked Molly. "Yes absolutely! Mum and Gran are waiting to meet you all. And one more thing, dad asked me to tell your brothers to come over as well. We're having a friendly quidditch match. It's actually a challenge between me and him. And I would love to have you and Mr. Weasley come over as well."

"Sure, we'll be coming over. And I'll convey the message to my brothers. When have you planned the match?" Asked Molly. "It's the day after tomorrow. But I'll be calling Ron, Ginny, Fred and George over tomorrow for some planning." Harry replied. "Oh, Fred and George! Can you please help me with something?"

"Sure Harry. What is it that our little brother wants?" Spoke the twins. "Would you mind calling Alicia, Angelina and Katie? Tell them that we're having a friendly quidditch match at my place. And I do want to have them here. I'll give you guys the details of the team once everyone comes over. Yeah?" "Ok. We'll do it. Can we get Lee over too?" They asked "Sure, you can." was the reply.

They then talked about random stuff before calling it a night and went back to the sitting room. Harry noticed that James wasn't there. "Where's dad?" he asked. "Your dad's gone to call the rest of his team. Did you tell the Weasleys to come over the day after tomorrow?" Asked Gran. "Yes Gran. They're all coming over. And a few of my friends will come over after lunch tomorrow as we want to practice." Replied Harry.

"Papa, can we go for a fly tomorrow after breakfast?" His grandfather replied "Sure we'll go. I'm waiting to show you something that you might not have tried before. And they're in the grounds near the quidditch pitch. We'll fly down to that place, okay?" "Okay. But what is it? Asked Harry. "You'll find out tomorrow morning." Papa said firmly "But -" he started but was cut off by his grandfather "tomorrow." "Fine" Harry huffed and retired to his room as he wanted to get up early the next morning.

Thank you guys for the 500 reads. I know that it's a bit later than the actual time. But thank you so much for supporting me and this story.

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