75. Back to School - 1

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Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny spend some time together alone.


It was an organized chaos on the second floor of Potter Castle. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were up quite early and were getting ready and packing their trunks.

They first packed all of their trunks with enough robes and non – uniform clothing and got a set of their school robes neatly into a different bag so that they can change in the train. Then they quickly took a bath and went down to have breakfast.

They noticed that no one, not even Harry's grandparents were there. So, they decided to have breakfast on their own. Harry called out to two of the elves working in the castle. "Dimpy, Anna." "Yes, Harry. What do you and yous friends want?" asked Anna. "Could you two make breakfast for the four of us?" "Yes, Harry. What do yous want to eat?" squeaked Dimpy. "Is pancakes okay with you guys?" asked Harry, to his friends. "Pancakes it is, then." He told Dimpy, when the three nodded their heads.

While these two elves were working on sandwiches, Harry called the house elves named Cork and Sharpy. "Cork, Sharpy, can you get our trunks and bags from our rooms and place it in the travel room?" he asked and thanked them when they did it.

They were presented with a stack of four pancakes each after some time. Halfway through breakfast, they saw Molly come in to make breakfast.

"Oh! You four are awake. And you're eating breakfast. Which one of you made it?" she asked. "The Potter house elves made it, Mrs. Weasley." Said Harry.

"Oh Harry! Why did you need to involve the elves? You could've woken me up." "No, Mrs. Weasley. I didn't want to wake you up. Plus, the elves here won't allow you to even touch the pots and pans here." He informed. She looked a bit huffed at this, but sat at the table. Anna saw her sitting at the table and placed her a plate of pancakes and a variety of pancake toppings. The party at the table was soon joined by the rest of the residents of the Potter Castle.

The older residents were surprised to find out that the kids were ready and packed and their trunks were already there in the travel room. They soon got ready to leave as it was already 9:00 am. Charlus said his goodbye to his grandson, his friends and girlfriend a bit earlier as he had to go for a Wizengamot meeting. But before leaving, he pulled his grandson aside and gave him a necklace having two different crests. One he recognized as the Crest of Potter House, while he couldn't recognize the other one.

"Harrison James Potter, I want you to keep this necklace on you at all times. You might have noticed that there is the crest of House of Potter. The other one is the crest of the House of Peverell. The tale of the three brothers from the children's book 'Tales of Beedle the Bard' is true. Ignotus Peverell's granddaughter Lolanthe Peverell married our ancestor Hardwin, that's how we are the descendants of the brother Ignotus Peverell. That's how we inherited the Cloak of Invisibility that you have in your possession."

Charlus paused to see how his grandson was reacting. He noticed the reaction of awe on Harry's face. He continued "The Potter Crest is a portkey. This will take you to wherever James or I are closest from wherever you are. That is, you'll be in Hogwarts most of the time. But whenever you're in danger and James or I happens to be at Hogsmeade, this portkey will take you to him or me. But otherwise you'll be portkeyed to my study. James and I have a similar one each. So, we'll be notified where you are."

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