48. A Date and Hogsmeade

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Harry's grandfather sends him a letter telling him about the Christmas Ball.


The last Hogsmeade visit of the fall term was fast approaching. Harry was pretty nervous as he wanted to ask Ginny out for the Hogsmeade visit and for the ball. It was a Friday and he thankfully didn't have any class after 3:00 pm.

He went down to the defence classroom as he knew DADA was Ginny's last class for the day. He called out to her when she came out of the class after her lesson. "Hey Ginny! Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.

Ginny ushered her friends to move on and went to talk to him. "Hey Harry! Yes, you can. What's up?" Harry took a deep breath and asked "Ginny, as you know, you are invited to the Christmas ball we Potters are hosting. Can you be my date? And I also want to go out with you on the Hogsmeade weekend. Can you join me?"

He was nervous about her answer. Before any other thought could get into his head, Ginny replied smiling "Yes to both, Harry. I'll come with you to the party and to Hogsmeade."

Harry grinned at this and kissed her hand. "Okay then. Let's meet in front of the great hall then this Saturday." She nodded and they parted ways. Harry couldn't remove that smile on his face till he reached his common room. There was one thing that the two youngsters didn't observe. And that was Remus watching them with a smile on his face. He was happy that his honorary nephew was finally acting his age.


Time skip to Hogsmeade weekend

Harry, along with Ron, and a bunch of other boys were waiting with everyone else going to Hogsmeade in front of the great hall. He told the twins and Ron that he's going out with Ginny. The twins didn't seem to mind. They told that they were fine with it as long as she's happy. Ron was initially a bit out because Ginny was his sister. But he quit it when Hermione asked him out for a Hogsmeade date.

The boys were waiting for their respective girls, that is, Harry for Ginny (Obvious), Ron for Hermione (Again Obvious), Fred for Angelina, George for Alicia, Lee for Katie and Neville for Hannah.

Fred spotted the girls and pointed out. Each of them took their respective date's hand and went towards the carriages that took them to Hogsmeade. All of them filed into the same carriage and went.

Upon reaching, they filed out and split up as they wanted to buy Christmas presents for everyone. Harry had already bought a present for Ginny. So, he didn't have to worry about the surprise element. After loitering around for some time, Harry and Ginny went to the three broomsticks for lunch.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, up to you as a reader to decide, Harry's parents, Sirius and Marlene, and Remus and Dorcas were having lunch. Since it was a Hogsmeade weekend, they decided to meet Remus in the village. All of them, except for James and Sirius, noticed Harry and Ginny come hand in hand. Remus and Lily immediately erected notice-me-not charms and privacy wards.

James noticed this and asked "why did you erect privacy wards Lils?" "I erected the wards due to the gentleman and his partner three tables away." she replied. James and Sirius (who had been listening), turned around and saw Harry with Ginny. "Harry and Ginny! How come we didn't notice them together when they came in?" exclaimed Sirius. "Everyone except the both of you noticed them together. I knew about since yesterday since Harry had asked Ginny out after the DADA lesson the fourth-years had yesterday afternoon and I happened to notice it." Deadpanned Remus

"Damn! It's going to be good teasing material!" exclaimed with James nodding in agreement. "Sirius Orion Black and James Charlus Potter, if you even try to embarrass my godson, you'll regret doing it for your whole life." Told Marlene menacingly. Both of them raised their hands placatingly. "Won't even try doing it, your highness." The young couple left with their friends after finishing and paying for their lunch. Like a true gentleman, Harry paid for Ginny's lunch as well, and continued their Christmas gift shopping.

Once they finished and got back to the entrance hall, they stayed back a little. Once everyone left, Harry turned to Ginny and started to speak what he had planned to tell her. "Ginerva Molly Weasley, I've been wanting to tell you this for quite some time. I've started liking you ever since we started spending time with each other during the summer holidays, and now with the DA. I've been wanting to ask you this one question." He got down on one knee, took her hands and asked "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ginny's eyes filled with tears of happiness as a smile creeped on her face. She removed her hands from Harry's hands, cupped his face, made him stand properly and kissed him lightly on his lips, which Harry returned graciously. After what felt like eternity, they reluctantly parted. "Do I take that as a yes?" he asked. "Of course, it's a yes, idiot." She said with a chuckle. He gave her quick peck on her lips and they walked back to the common room, hand in hand.

Again, they didn't notice three people, Severus, Remus and Minerva, standing and watching them with smiles on their faces.

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