78. The Warning

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Harry appoints student – teachers from the DA to help the study group's members.


Harry reached the dungeons and walked into the designated classroom to find his other honorary uncle waiting by his desk.

"Hey, Uncle Sev. I didn't see you much over the holidays." He said as he entered the classroom. "Yes, Harry. I was busy with some work. Actually, the reason I called you was to give you something. I noticed the way you were and still are storing you brew. So, here it is." Said Severus, as he handed the sixteen – year – old a potions satchel. "Is this a potions satchel?" asked Harry. "Yes, it is. It is charmed with an undetectable extension charm. Hence, you can store any number of potions you want."

Harry couldn't control himself anymore. He kept the satchel on Severus' desk and hugged the man. Severus was initially surprised by the gesture, but he returned it.

"Thanks for this. I had been planning to owl order one. But I guess I don't need to now." Said Harry. Snape saw the boy's eyes were shining with unshed tears. The potions master sat him down in one of the desks and spoke "I shouldn't have treated you the way I treated you till your fourth year. The marauders and I were always having some kind of a spat when we were in school. So, I thought you would be like them. Only after I got to know how your aunt and uncle treated you all those years, did I realise my mistake. I'm really sorry for that, Harry."

"It's okay, Uncle Sev. I really don't care about it right now. By the way, I wanted to ask you something. I noticed Malfoy was in a very foul mood and was scowling when we entered the Great Hall for the welcome feast two nights ago. What do you think happened?" asked Harry.

Snape's expression turned grave at the question. "It's the Death – Eaters who had escaped two years ago during the Triwizard Tournament. They have joined together in Malfoy Manor and are planning to kill you and your family because you killed Voldemort. They've targeted Emmy and I as well. Me because I betrayed them and joined the light side and Emmy because she's my girlfriend. Since they know about me having a house in Spinner's end, they've set up spies around the place. So, we've moved to Prince Manor."

Harry wasn't surprised by this as he was expecting the death eaters to do something like that. "Harry, I told your parents and family about this when I came over for your birthday party. Charlus gave you the crest pendant, I assume?" he asked. Harry nodded at this. "Keep it on you at all times." "Yes, sir." Said Harry.

"One more thing. You told me about that map that your father and uncles made, right? I kind off suggested to those three that they make a larger version and charm it to set off alarms whenever you and your friends are alone with Malfoy and his so-called henchmen or in any sort of danger. Remus, Minerva and I will be having a copy each here at school and there'll be one at home. So, don't worry."

"Don't worry, Uncle Sevvy. I know all of you'll be there behind me to save my back." Said Harry, to soothe is uncle's fears. Severus smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. "Good boy." Harry huffed and said "I just set it." "Looks the same to me." Retorted Snape before sending the boy back to his common room.



Check out my new book/post for knowing the recipes of different potions that are taught at Hogwarts in my 'Handbook to Harry Potter'.

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