86. Introductions

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James, Sirius and Charlus save Remus and five kids afflicted with lycanthropy from Greyback's domains.


Lily first walked over to the girls. "Hey, I'm Lily. I want to be your friend." The girls peaked from their hiding place and slowly went over to the redhead and hugged her. Lily too hugged them back.

The healers arrived with an assistant each and sent the whole troupe out right when Lily started getting acquainted with the girls. They went and waited while Remus was being treated.

The girls sat right in between James and Lily and snuggled into them. The twin boys Spencer and Jacob sat on the either side of Sirius as they took a liking for due to their common love for pranking and quidditch, and started talking about it so that they can keep their mind off the current situation.

Leo took to comforting Lyall, Hope and Dorcas, assuring that Remus will be alright and will soon be out of bed and moving again.

After about three hours, the three family healers came to where the rest of the family was seated. Ralph Liens, the Lupin family healer, spoke "Remus is fine now. But he needs his rest. We've given him a cell regeneration potion to regenerate the muscle cells that were destroyed on his sides and arms and have healed the scratch injuries that were found on his chest and back. But there'll be scars. Give him this potion once he regains consciousness. We had sedated him so that he doesn't feel the pain." Lyall nodded as he took the potion. "Thank you so much." The three healers nodded and went back to their respective houses.

Everyone went to Remus' room and found him trying to sit up. Dorcas immediately went by to his side and helped him up while Leo helped adjust the pillows to keep him upright. "Drink this. Ralph asked me to give it to you once you were up." Said Lyall. "Thanks, dad." said Remus as he accepted the vial and drank the contents.

"How are you feeling?" asked Leo. "I'm feeling much better now." Said Remus with a smile. "Remus, why don't you rest for the night? We'll talk tomorrow in the morning." Suggested James. Everyone agreed to this and Remus was grateful. "Yes James. We'll do it. I'm feeling really tired." He said as he yawned.

Hope and Lyall wanted to stay. But they had to go back to Lupin Manor as they had work at the Wizengamot and had to go to Gringotts for some business talk with a party. So, they left their son under the care of his girlfriend's capable hands. They bid their goodbyes and flooed back home. "Can I stay here please? I want to help you take care of Remus." Said Leo.

"Yes, you can, sweety." Said Dorcas with a smile. Leo grinned hopped on to the bed and snuggled close to Remus so that he could comfort the older man. Remus smiled and put a hand around the boy.

The rest of the group smiled at this and went out of the room. They were happy that Remus was taken care off by capable hands.

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