8. Another Prophecy

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James, Lily and Harry finally reunite after a staggering gap of thirteen years.


They reluctantly broke from their hug and James cast an Ennervate to wake Sirius up. Once he was up, he looked around and his eyes landed on his best mate and his wife. "Prongs! Tiger Lily!" he shouted and almost knocked them over while pulling them into a massive hug. He let go for a brief moment and pulled Remus into the hug, thus making it a four-way hug.

Once they let go, James asked "Albus, how are you going to announce our return? To the staff first?" "Yes James. It's to them first so that they don't get a heart attack. I suggest that you disillusion yourselves whilst they get collected here." They nodded and cast the charm on themselves while Albus sent forth a message to all the staff to collect in his office for an urgent meeting.

Once everyone arrived, Dumbledore announced the Potters' return and explained how they it happened. Everyone in the room were shell shocked by this announcement. "If they're alive, then where are they?" asked Filius Flitwick. "Hey there Filly Fritters!! You look the same as when I last saw you." barked James once he removed the Disillusionment Charm. "How many times should I tell you to stop calling me that, Mr. Potter" exclaimed Flitwick, but his exasperation changed and gave way to a combined expression of shock and surprise. "My! My! James, Lily, it's you for sure!!!" exclaimed Flitwick again.

This banter made everyone's day. Even Snape couldn't do anything to prove them wrong as he knew that no one except for James could tease any teacher like that way. So, everyone barring Sirius, Remus, Harry, Minerva and Albus came forward and started giving the couple wishes and welcomed them back to the living world. But, just as Sybill Trelawney, who was related to the famous seer Cassandra Trelawney, came forward to greet them, she slips into a trance like state and starts making a prophecy

"All those damaged and gone,

make a comeback into the world

once the Chosen One

has defeated the Dark Lord.

But the once who follow

Shall be reunited once more."

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