16. Finally

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Dumbledore's trial goes on to have a positive vibe for the Potter family as they win the case.
Sirius knows about Crouch and Bagnold's plans.

After the trial, the Potter family and Sirius return back to Hogwarts to find Remus and Lily's parents waiting for them. The Potter, Evans, Lupin, Longbottom, Weasley (Yes, they're here too. They came in with Neville's grandmother and parents. Sorry I forgot to mention) and Bones families, along with Sirius, Marlene and Dorcas had stayed back in Hogwarts.

Now that Dumbledore's trial got over, everyone decided to get back to their respective homes. The Longbottoms and Bones families flooed back to their respective manors. Remus, with James' and Sirius' help while everyone were staying in Hogwarts, had got Lupin Manor cleaned up. Hence, his parents flooed back to their house while Remus stayed back at Hogwarts.

Lily then turned to Molly "Molly, thank you so much for taking care of Harry." Molly just waved her off by saying "Oh no. Please don't thank me. He's like another son to me. I would've done it anyway." With smiles and goodbyes, the Weasleys, along with Fabian and Gideon Prewett, flooed back to the Burrow. Mrs. Evans turned to her daughter and spoke "Lily, I hope you don't feel bad. But I want to see if you could arrange something for your dad and me to get back to our house in Spinner's End. We want to get back to our usual lives."

"Sure mum. If you don't mind, can I send some of the house elves to clean up the place so that it's habitable?" asked Lily. "Sure, you can" answered her father. After a round of cleaning Lily's childhood home, Lily apparated her parents to their house and returned after promising them that they'll come over for dinner sometime. So, the Potters, along with Sirius, Remus, Marlene and Dorcas were the only ones who remained in McGonagall's office (who was now the headmistress).

James turned to Harry and asked, "Ready to go to Potter Castle, Harry?" "Yes dad. Sirius told me that you are good at Quidditch. I want to see it myself. Want to have a race when we get there?" asked Harry. "Challenge accepted! I saw you play for the house team in your memories. Can't wait to play with you in real life." Answered James. "Hey what about me?" exclaimed Harry's grandfather Charlus. "Of course, Papa! You can join in too." Answered Harry, while others shared a good-natured laugh.

With that positive note, the whole team flooed to what the Potters called as 'Potter Castle' after collecting Harry's things from Sirius' place.

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