55. The Last DA Meeting - 1

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Ron and Hermione finally get together.


It was the end of March and beginning of April now. The DA decided to stop the meetings before Easter as everyone, especially the fifth and seventh years had to prepare for their OWLs and NEWTs.

On the last meeting before everyone went back home for Easter, Harry called both the batches of students for one final joint meeting. Professor Flitwick took his usual seat by the door. Everyone, including Harry, were surprised when McGonagall and the other faculty members decided to see how this study group was going. Everyone were itching to see it and was jealous of Flitwick, as he was the sponsor for this group.

Through a special screening spell, Harry's family (including his maternal grandparents), the Lupins, the Weasleys, and Sirius and Marlene were watching too (Harry didn't know). Thankfully, it was a weekend and no Hogsmeade trip was scheduled.

It went on the way it should. They started off with the senior group. The beginners group was given the gist of spells that they'll learn once they moved on to the senior group. Once done, the junior group's lessons were revised. Few members of the senior group helped a few struggling students and the faculty (including Flitwick) gave a few pointers for a few spells.

Towards the end of the final session of the year, Harry beamed at the group. "Well done, everyone. This will be the last class for this year. I know that many of you want it to continue. But you guys can form study groups with your own year mates and study for your exams. Do any of you have any doubts?"

Astoria Greengrass, a third year slytherin, and the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass, raised her hand and asked when she was acknowledged "Can we see you duel?" He readily agreed and called up for volunteers. Blaise Zabini, who was one of the more powerful students in the group, came forward. "Ready, Potter?" he asked. "I am always." Was the reply.

The group watching through the screen was eagerly waiting to know how the duel was going to do.

The rest of the group moved out of the way to stand with the teachers and Flitwick came forward. "Okay, you two, no unforgivables and no lethals. You have twenty minutes, though if one is knocked out, the other wins. If both are left standing at the end, it is my discretion who is the winner. Are these rules clear?" he asked authoritatively.

Both the wizards nodded and faced each other, bowing slightly, before turning and walking further away. Once there was a good twenty paces between them, Flitwick counted down.

"Three. Two. One!"

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