72. Full Moon Endeavours - 2

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Lily agrees to Harry's request of accompanying Moony, Padfoot and Prongs.


"Dad! Sirius! Moony! Guess what? Mum gave me the permission to join you." Exclaimed Harry, as he came in. Sirius whooped and gave Harry a hug. "I knew she would. But before you can come with us, you should have a nickname for your animagus form." He said.

"Sirius is right. Do you have any names in mind?" asked James. Harry thought for a moment and spoke "I was thinking of Akira, Chase and Shadow." Remus thought for a moment and suggested "I think Akira would work very well. You chose that name from Jungle Book, right?" he asked in the end. "Yes. I've always liked that name." said Harry as he nodded his head.

The other two had no clue what they were talking about. "What's Jungle Book?" asked Sirius. "It's an animated movie. We'll explain later. What do you think of the name 'Akira'?" asked Harry.

"Well, we like the name 'Shadow' better than 'Akira'. May be we could tweak it to Shadowpaw. What do you think?" asked Sirius. All of them agreed instantly. "Shadowpaw, it is. This reminds me, can we make a few changes in the Marauder's Map?" asked Harry.

"What changes, Harry?" asked James. "I want to remove Wormtail's name from the map. And I want to add a few more locations I've found in the Castle." He answered. Everyone agreed to this and asked him to get the map.

Once he got it, the Marauders started to make the changes. He removed any access that Wormtail had for the map and gave it to Harry by adding his nickname. "My name? I didn't contribute anything!" exclaimed Harry. "As a matter of fact, you have. You suggested a few additions that you found in the castle. So, it is fair that we add your name. And, no more arguments" said Remus, in a firm voice.

Harry nodded and he informed the Marauders of the rooms he wanted them to add (The Room of Requirement and the Chamber of Secrets).

"Harry, this is a marauder's secret. Do NOT tell anyone, including Ron and Hermione about how you can make changes in the ma, okay?" instructed James, sternly. "Yes, dad. Marauder's promise." He promised. But is it fine if I tell those two about my animagus form and the nickname?" he asked. "Yes, you can. That's your decision to make. We'll get you registered along with you registering for your apparition licence on your 17th birthday, alright?" Harry nodded at this and took the map back to his room.

He soon told Ron and Hermione about this whole thing (Except for how to make changes in the map) and they too agreed not to tell anyone about him being an animagus.

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