19. The Tour - 3

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Harry is shown around the outside area in the property that is present from the main gate of the whole estate to the main door of the castle. Inside the castle, he is shown around the ground floor. where the many sit outs and library is situated.

Sirius pointed to another door and spoke "Harry, that door over there leads to the ball room, where the parties are conducted. You'll see it when your birthday comes around." "And now, all of us go through this corridor to see what the ladies are up to." Added James, swivelling Harry to a corridor on his right.

They found the ladies along with the Potter Patriarch and Matriarch waiting for them so that they could start their lunch. "Food!" exclaimed Sirius. "The same old mutt" muttered Remus. Everyone laughed good naturedly while Sirius took his seat next to the love of his life Marlene McKinnon. The other two marauders took the seats next to their respective better halves while Harry sat next to his grandmother.

The elves had prepared a mini feast for the small group of 9 residents of Potter Castle and they thoroughly enjoyed their lunch. Once it was done, Charlus asked his grandson "How do you like this place till now, Harry?" "I love it, Papa! It's amazing! I can't wait to see the library and the potions lab." "But that's not going to happen today as these three so called grown-up babies would not allow you to go there until they finish showing you around, I guess." Added his grandmother, which only annoyed the three marauders, while the others laughed. "Mum!" cried James. "Don't 'Mum' me James. It's true." "Right you are, Mrs. Potter." Added Remus.

"Ok! Ok! We'll continue our house tour. Anyone care to join us?" asked Sirius, who was jumping around like a five-year-old. Everyone who hadn't gone with the troupe before lunch, chirruped a combined 'No', hence leaving them to go on.

Once they left the dining area and kitchens, they went up the stairs to the first floors. "These are just guest bedrooms out here. There are about 15 of them on this floor." James said as he continued up the stairs. He stopped when he reached the second floor and waited for the others to catch up. "This is the floor where your room is, Harry. Follow me." The troupe stopped in front of a large portrait of Harry himself, who asked "Which phoenix did my wand's core come from?" The real Harry answered "Professor Dumbledore's pet Phoenix, Fawkes" The portrait opened itself to reveal a room that was about 10 times bigger than the living room in Privet Drive.

"Whoa!" was the only word that Harry could get out of his mouth. He had a huge balcony that were currently closed by a pair of huge floor to ceiling French Windows. "Go on Harry. Make yourself comfortable here. It's your room after all." Said James. He got one of the elves to get Harry's trunk, broom and Hedwig's cage to his room.

"Dad, is it fine if I get to unpack without any magic? I just want to make myself... you know..." he said as he waved his hand around his room. "Of course, you can. You get to know your room and take some rest, okay? We'll call you down when dinner's ready." Harry nodded his reply and started opening his trunk while the three men left him alone in his room.


His room considered of a queen-size four poster bed placed against the Accent Wall. He had a sturdy Oak wood desk just by the window with a comfortable a comfortable looking chair to go along with it. There were two huge bookshelves where he could hold his books. He had a couple of bean bags and a couch from across his bed in case he wanted to relax. The room was complete with his own huge bathroom and walk-in closet.

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