57. Career Advice

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Harry and Blaise engage in a friendly duel.


Time to after Easter Holidays

It was getting hectic in the school of Hogwarts as fifth year and seventh year students had already started preparing for their OWLs and NEWTs. Hence, the DA had already made study groups according to their years and subjects.

But for the fifth years, along with their OWLs, Career Advice was something that they had to deal with, with their head of house. Harry had his meeting with Professor Chowdhury on Thursday the first week back from home after the holidays. He quickly told his friends and Ginny that he'll meet them in the common room once the meeting was done, when he saw Chowdhury get up and leave.

Once he made his way up to the office, he knocked lightly on the door. "Come in," he heard her say, and opened the door. "Mr. Potter, please, take a seat," she said, gesturing to one of them in front of him. "Thank you," he said, setting his bag down next to him, and pulling out the two brochures that he'd been looking at before break.

"Now, as you probably are aware, this is the time for you to start thinking about what you want to do when you leave Hogwarts. Have you given this any thought?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am. I was thinking of choosing to become an Auror or Hit Wizard since many death eaters who were a part of Voldemort's inner circle are still out and about. But ever since we hosted that friendly match at my place over the summer, I've also been considering quidditch as one of the options."

"From what I've heard from your teachers, you have faced Voldemort three times already, four if you include when you were just a year old. And the McGonagall has also told me that you've been playing for the Gryffindor Quidditch team since you were in first year. And I've personally seen you play. You're a natural. So, I am not surprised of your choices of career. And you are averaging at an 'O' in all the subjects except for HoM, which is 'EE'."

Harry was awestruck when he heard that he was averaging at an 'Outstanding' grade in all the subjects. Chowdhury smiled ever so slightly and asked "Didn't you know that you were averaging at an 'O'?" she asked. Harry shook his head.

"Okay, moving on to your career choices, do you know the requirements for joining the Auror Academy as a trainee?" asked the transfiguration professor.

"Yes Ma'am. You'll need an Exceeds Expectations or an Outstanding Grade in Transfiguration, Charms, Potions and one other subject, and no less than an Outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I assume I'll need an O in Herbology as well if I want to consider healing as a profession, am I right?" he asked. McGonagall nodded. "Yes, Mr. Potter. You're absolutely correct. I suggest you take up all the five subjects should you take up healing as a profession." She added.

"Is there any way I'll need Runes and Arithmancy for my choice of career options? I'm thinking of taking up CoMC too for NEWTs level. I would not want to be under-prepared in case I have to encounter magical creature during the auror missions or attacks on people due to the creatures if I become a healer. What are your opinions?" asked Harry as he expressed his thoughts.

"That's an excellent thought. You have prepared to do whatever it takes to fulfil your dreams. I think it's extremely wise of you to choose CoMC as a part of your NEWTs curriculum. And as for Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, those subjects are required only when you want to become an Unspeakable. Unspeakables are those who work in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry for Magic. They work on creating and experimenting on new spells. It's nearly as dangerous as working as a full time Auror going on dangerous missions."

Harry nodded at the extra information. Professor Chowdhury then spoke "I can see that you've done an extensive research about aurors and hit wizards. Check it out about healing as a profession and if you have any doubt, clear it out with Madame Pomfrey as I'm not qualified to do it. Good Night to you."

"Good Night to you too, Professor. I'll check it out with Madame Pomfrey. Thank you very much." Said Harry as he got up, and left the office. 

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