73. Full Moon Endeavours - 3

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Harry is finally a part of the Marauders.


Full moon was just a few hours away. The Marauders were getting excited as they were together again for the older ones and the first time for Harry. They were going to spend their time in the vast estates of the Potter Castle, just like how they used to do when they were still students at Hogwarts.

They made sure that Remus had his Wolfsbane on time. Remus' parents had come over to keep their son's morale up and take care of him that day. Lyall thanked James "Thank you for taking care of my son. It means a lot." "Don't thank us, Mr. Lupin. He's our brother in all but blood. We're happy to help." He told him.

The troupe noticed Harry helping the Lycanthrope come down the stairs and had a hand around his waist to help him stand up and led him straight to the door leading to the backyard.

"Time to go, then. We'll see you in the morning." Said Sirius to everyone who weren't coming with them.

The animagi and the lycanthrope went straight to the farthest point of the estate they could go to, but were still inside the wards as they didn't want to encounter any human being, muggle or magical.

"How are you feeling, Paws?" asked Remus. "Excited. I want to meet Moony properly. Last time was... I don't want to talk about it." He replied. "I suggest you remove your clothes Remus. You wouldn't want to go back home naked." Suggested James.

Remus nodded and went near the tree to shuck off his clothes. The rest of them turned around and gave him his privacy. Not long after, the moon started to rise. "Transform, you three" said Remus in a strangled voice as his back arched forward and his body started spurting fur.

The animagi quickly transformed and Shadowpaw covered his eyes using his paws. But after the transformation, Moony huffed and shook himself to make himself comfortable. He turned and growled defensively when he saw Padfoot and Prongs. He then dropped the defensive stance once he smelt their familiar smell. He then went over to Harry, who was standing in between Padfoot and Prongs and recognised him as his cub.

He then growled softly and nudged the pup. Harry got this as a signal to play and pounced on him playfully. Moony fell down as though he was thrown down by his cub to play and licked him between his ears. Harry too licked the bigger wolf on his muzzle.

The werewolf then turned to the other two members of his pack and growled at them to join too. Padfoot too pounced on the bigger animal playfully and nipped his ear softly, just like old times. Prongs then nudged the larger canine with his antlers and gestured towards the open area under a huge tree with a rug placed underneath. He wanted to make sure everyone was warm.

The Marauders sat on the large rug that was laid out by James in the afternoon earlier that day. Shadowpaw went and cuddled next to his honorary uncle so that they can get well acquainted. Moony instantly took to liking his cub.

Moony started sniffing Paws to get acquainted with his smell so that he doesn't hurt him. During these ministrations, Paws laid down contented between Moony's paws as it felt comfortable.

Padfoot and Prongs too laid down close to the canine duo and watched them contentedly. A little while later, Shadowpaw wiggled out of Moony's paws and licked on Moony's muzzle. He did it a number of times. Moony laid his head down and purred in content, thanks to his cub's ministrations. The other two animals moved close when they saw Moony beckoning them to come closer. Prongs stayed a bit away as he didn't want to hurt anyone with his antlers.

Padfoot came closer and plopped himself next to Moony and placed his head on Moony's stomach. Shadowpaw continued to lick the bigger wolf's muzzle so that he felt comfortable. Moony huffed and pulled the cub between his paws, placed his snout on the cub's back and promptly fell asleep. Paws too fell asleep under his uncle's warmth.

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