32. The Idea

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Harry and Neville have a great time as they had a party with their families and friends.

Harry spent the next few days after the party in his room drafting his plans about a study group that he wanted to make as this was their OWL year and studying for those exams meant studying everything, he had learnt from first through fifth year.

He wanted to talk to Professor McGonagall about this and about the switch in electives. He was being tutored in Ancient Runes by Sirius and in Arithmancy by Remus. He had finished well past third- and fourth-year material in both subjects and was going to start fifth year material.

About two days after the party, he brewed the potion that would tell him what his animagus form was when he drank it before going to bed. His form was a Siberian Wolf. It was easy to change his individual features, that is, changing his hands and legs into paws and back, making fur appear over his skin and reverting it back to normal. It was easy as he was meditating every day for his Occlumency lessons.

He approached his mum and asked "Mum, is it possible if I could switch electives? I had taken Divination and Care of Magical Creatures. CoMC is okay. But Divination is useless as I'm not a seer. If you could talk to McGonagall about this." His mum was surprised about this. She thought about it for a moment and agreed "you're right about Divination, Harry. I'll talk to Minerva about this. I bet there will be exams for you to take up if she agrees. Why don't you go and prepare for them?"

Harry nodded and went back to his room. He finished Runes when he heard his mum call him down. He saw her talking to Minerva. "Hello Professor McGonagall. How are you today?" he greeted her. McGonagall gave him a rare smile and answered his question "I'm doing good today, Mr. Potter. I hear that you want to drop divination. Is there any specific reason?" "Yes professor. I feel it's useless as it's a subject only seers can benefit from."

McGonagall nodded in agreement. "And what are the subjects that you plan to take?" "Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. But I also wish to continue CoMC." But before the headmistress could tell anything, Sirius and Remus walked in with his progress reports, essays and other assignments they had made him do in each of those subjects. Lily had told them about this. They decided that they'll give the file to Minerva when she came to speak with Harry.

"Hello there, Minnie! Long time, no see." teased Sirius, causing the headmistress to go red in anger. "Sirius Black, if you call me that one more time, I'll permanently transfigure you into an elephant." She scolded him. Sirius stopped his snickering at once and gave her the file. "This file contains his assignments and progress in Ancient Runes. Remus here has it for Arithmancy." "Yes Minerva. He's finished third- and fourth- year material in both the subjects." Said Remus

"I'll talk to Professors Vector and Babbling about this and get back to you in two days." Said Minerva while going through the files. "Actually Professor, I have one more thing to talk to you about." Said Harry. "What is it, Mr. Potter?" "I want to start this study group in school for third year and above, from all the four houses. Since it's my fifth year, it'll be like a revision of whatever I've learnt the past four years and a practice of what we learn in the coming year. I've written down the ideas that I have to induct students into the group in this parchment."

Minerva read through the parchment with Sirius, Remus and Lily peering at it from behind her. They were astounded with the ideas that the boy had thought about. "Exactly what made you think about this group? Give me a reason other than revision." Asked McGonagall. Harry replied "Even though Voldemort's dead, his army of death eaters will be finding each and every chance to take revenge. They're more likely to recruit students like us as well onto their side. I wouldn't want any of that to happen. If there are any deaths, it should be of those death eaters and not innocent students. That's the only reason other than OWLs."

Everyone in the room had a glint of pride in their eyes when they heard this. Minerva agreed to this. "I give you the permission to do this. But what about students who had already planned to join their side or has already joined? You'll also need a professor as a sponsor for the group." she asked. "We could charm a piece of parchment that allows only those who haven't joined the other side or have chosen remain neutral. So, we'll get to know who's on who's side. And about the sponsor, I was thinking about Professor Snape for potions and Professor Flitwick for everything else.

They nodded their heads and Minerva had to leave as she had a teachers' meeting. She promised to return with the test question papers after discussing with Professors Vector and Babbling.

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