13. Dumbledore's Downfall

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In 'Bashing Part 1', James and party went to the Dursleys and thoroughly gave them what they deserved while in 'Bashing Part 2', Charlus Potter and party gave a thorough piece of their minds to Albus Dumbledore.

James and his team reached the office and Harry gave the password (Acid Pops. Ugh! Again!) as the others didn't know what it was. They found James' parents, Sirius and Remus waiting there with a petrified Dumbledore. Just as the shut the door, the Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge and the respective Heads of the Department of the Magical Law Enforcement and Auror Department, Amelia Bones and Rufus Scrimgeour flooed in. The Head of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Lord Charlus Potter addressed the whole issue to the 3 Ministry Officials. William and Rose Evans had tactfully gone out of the headmaster's office with Remus when the officials came in because it was a Potter family matter. Sirius stayed as he wanted to press charges of his own.

The three of them, along with James, Lily and Harry were shocked when they heard what Dumbledore had done in terms of their family financials and the blatant disregard of James and Lily's will. They were equally shocked when they found out that Sirius' incarceration in Azkaban was also his bidding. Hence, the Minister unpetrified the old man and spoke "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you are thereby arrested due to the following charges: the kidnapping of Harrison James Potter, the Heir Apparent of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Stealing of money from the accounts of the same house and for the wrongful imprisonment of Sirius Orion Black, The Current Head of the Ancient and Noble House Of Black, who back then, was the heir of the said house."

Dumbledore immediately stunned after he was informed of the charges pressed against him so that he doesn't escape. Scrimgeour had by that time called in two senior aurors John Dawlish and Kingsley Shacklebolt so that they can help in moving the old man to a Ministry holding cell. All the teachers were informed of Dumbledore's incarceration and Minerva McGonagall was made the Headmistress of the school with immediate effect.

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