77. The DA Announcement

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Harry and team leave for Hogwarts.


The Sixth Year DA members parted ways and went to their respective house tables once they reached the Great Hall. Harry and team noticed that Malfoy was in a very foul mood when he entered the hall. "What's wrong with that ferret?" asked Ron. "Dunno. But I hope he doesn't take it out on others." Said Harry, as the girls nodded.

The feast went on as usual. McGonagall gave her usual welcome speech. Harry had sent her a letter requesting her to announce about the DA and the rule of third year and above to join.

She then motioned Harry to come forward and give details. Upon reaching the podium, Harry spoke "There has been a change in the grouping method since last year. There are two groups as usual. But the beginners group will consist of the third and fourth years. And the advanced group consists of fifth years and above. But the teaching method will be the same. Whoever were the members last year, will continue to be members. To tell you all, it's only for third years and above. Whoever wish to give their names, I'll tell you when and how to give it in a week. The other details and rules will be put up on your house notice boards. Thank you."

The DA members who were sitting next to him at the Gryffindor table looked at him quizzically once he came and sat down. Hermione asked "Why did you ask everyone to wait for a week to register?" "I have planned something. Wait till I tell you." He replied. Hermione was about to say something but instead focused on the food that appeared since she was hungry.



Harry had called Hermione, Daphne, Lisa, Anthony, Dean, Blaise, Neville, Ron and Seamus to the Room of Requirement. "The reason I called you guys is because I wanted to appoint tutors for specific subjects like how we've been tutoring each other for our OWLs last year. But since we don't have many subjects this year, I've called only you guys. I'll be taking Defense, Dean for Muggle Studies, Blaise for Potions, Hermione for Transfiguration, Daphne for whoever is taking Astronomy, Lisa for whoever is taking History Neville for Herbology, Anthony for Runes, Ron for Charms and Seamus for Magical Creatures. Since no one is taking Divination, there's no tutor. But I'll ask Lavender and Parvati if they wouldn't mind helping the third to fifth year divination students on clarifying their doubts. You guys will focus on helping anyone from the DA who asks for doubts since it'll be a revision. Is that clear?" he asked in the end.

Everyone nodded. "Okay. Plan your time as you'll also be tutoring the students AND studying your sixth-year portions. Hermione, if you want, order the study planners and give it to all of us here. I'll fund it. Dean, Seamus, you guys are trying out for the beater positions. So, if they make the team, the four of us, that is, Ron, these two and I will be on the team. Plan your time out." The four of them nodded.

"That's it for now. Professor Snape had called me to the dungeons for something. I don't want him to wait." Said Harry and rushed off to the dungeons.

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