6. The Awakening

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Remus and Minerva reach the Hollow's graveyard and wake James and Lily up.



Everything felt very strange. It felt as though we were outside. The last thing that we ever knew before everything blacked out was getting hit by the Avada. But now, we felt as though we're lying down in a patch of grass and there was a breeze. And once we open our eyes, we see Professor McGonagall and Remus staring at us, with tears in their eyes.


Remus and Minerva were unabashedly crying when they saw James and Lily getting up as though nothing happened. Once the born of them were up and standing, Remus tackled them into a bear hug.

James started consoling him "Hey Moony! Why are you crying? What happened? I bet it's only a few days since Voldemort attacked." Remus wiped his tears and finally spoke "It's not just a few days James. It's nearly fourteen years since Voldemort attacked. Don't worry both of you. Harry is very much alive and absolutely spiffing. He's just finished his fourth year."

"What!" Lily shrieked, tears threatening to spill from her emerald eyes. "We've missed fourteen years of our baby boy's life" whispered James. But before anyone could speak, Minerva spoke "James, Lily, I know that you want to meet Harry and know everything about him. But we still must make sure that it's you. This is just for formalities though", she said while she showed the vial of Veritaserum.

Both nodded. Once the serum was administered, they started questioning,

"What are your full names? Lily, you'll need to your maiden and married names."

"James Charlus Potter"

"Lily Rose Potter neé Evans"

"James, turn into Prongs and Lily, cast your patronus."

James turned into a magnificent brown stag while a silvery white doe came out of the tip of Lily's wand.

Once the antidote was administered, James asked "did we pass?" "Yes James. Now, let's get back to Hogwarts and meet your son" said Remus as he held out the second portkey to get back.

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