Chapter 8: Strong Determination

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As the time grew near, Alex had packed all his work belongings in his briefcase fixing the tie of his suit as he looked in the mirror. Breathing heavily he slicked back a stray hair poking out from the side of his head. Grabbing his case he walked out of his room and into the common grounds where Mallix, Nina, and Zander were talking amongst themselves. "Your looking sharp." Mallix commented on Alex's formal wear.

Throughout the day his polo shirt was left unbuttoned and he didn't wear a tie. Seeing the sudden change to full button up and a black and blue checkered tie neatly placed, Mallix raised suspicion. "Where are you off to?"

Alex's eyes wandered around the room for a split second trying to think of something. "I...I have a meeting. It's to get more information about Lain and Kaila." He started avoiding the more in depth details.

Mallix inhaled deeply as his back arched, putting his hands to his knees he stood up proud and tall. "Nina and I have been talking. I can't just sit here while my girls are out there having who knows what happen to them! I need to be of some kind of help. I'm coming with you."

Alex's face dropped two shades Mallix was determined, the undermining strength in his voice meant one thing. His strength and confidence was coming back. He was ready to bring on the fight.

"Sorry M, this conference is more on the down low. I can only bring one guest and Zander's already agreed to attend with me tonight."

Both men shot their heads to Zander who was helping Nina get situated on the couch as he placed her crutches off to the side out of his way. Irritatedly Mallix looked back at Alex.

"It's my wife and girl, I'm coming." Mallix stomped his foot. He had his mind set.

"But Zander's already agreed to it, and I told them he would be accompanying me tonight. I can't just change the plans on them, M. Plus someone needs to stay to help Nina."

"Well tell them your bringing a change in partners, Zander can stay here to watch Nina. But I'm not spending another second in this house. I've done nothing but sit around and stare at these walls! I need to be doing something productive, something to get me my girls back! Something to give me back my life! I miss them Alex, I need them back! I can't do this without them!"

Sighing Alex put his hand upon Mallix's shoulder, but only for a second as Mallix brushed his hand harshly off of himself. "I'm coming." Mallix said for the last time as a single tear rolled down his eye.

Alex wanted with all his heart to tell Mallix no, wanting to spare him the pain of having to sit in on possibly the worst news to come, but he was in no position to hear that. Grinding his teeth as he spoke, "fine, I'll call to tell them we've have a change of plans."

Wiping the tear from his cheek, Mallix smiled thanking Alex quietly as he went to his room to prepare for it. As Mallix left the room Zanders face lit up in shock. Waving him over, Zander joined Alex in the dinning room away from Nina who was writing something down in her journal.

"I told him he could come..." Alex spoke lowly to avoid having Nina hear.

"What?! But you said-"

"I know what I said, Z! But I couldn't bring myself to turn him down! The man is a mess, he can't think of anything other than them! And us locking him away in this house is not going to do him any good!"

Rubbing his neck anxiously Alex said, "he's not going to like this...not one bit."

"No, he isn't. That's why I need you to do something for me while we're gone." Waiting for a confirmation nod, Alex began whispering something into Zander's ear. As he pulled away he watched as the man in front of him nodded slyly walking away and joining Nina on the couch.

Alex sat at the table, throwing his head into his hands. He tried running through the scenario in his head, thinking of all the possible outcomes they can have. All of which ended in him either in tears, fighting someone, raging out, or an amalgamation of everything.

Time passed and it was finally Alex's and Mallix's time to leave. Knocking on his door gently, Alex was surprised to see it open. Apparently he only cracked his door. Peering in Alex saw Mallix fighting with a bow tie. He was looking into a mirror facing towards Alex. "Mind helping?"

Chuckling lightly to himself Alex nodded walking over and properly tying his bow tie and positioning it in place. "Your really nervous aren't you?"

"Is it obvious?" Mallix laughed looking back into the mirror fixing the top of his white polo underneath his brown sleeveless vest.

"Just a pinch." Alex motioned with his fingers.

"What kind of conference are we going to?"

"It's semi formal. My contact wants us there on the dot, dressed in formal wear, but we're just going to sit over a cup of coffee or tea and discuss what he knows. Simple as that."

"Where's this happening at?"

"I can't tell you, you'll just have to see for yourself." Mallix nodded his head at Alex's statement.

"This is all too much, how do you do this Alex?"

"Just rolling with it I suppose, the system was a whole lot worst when I was in it. Back then there was no such thing as scheduling a meet up. It was just an on the spot kind of deal. And the information swaps happened in an instant instead of over the course of an hour. But the biggest change is the organization as a whole. Back when I was dealing for them, the Cave never once had a 'leader'. We were all just kind of under the same roof. But now with the way things are looking, the Fendly's are coming out on top. Everyone in the Cave knows them, there legends. If they can muster up the entire organization under their control...there's no stopping them."

Meanwhile Mallix just stood still blankly staring at Alex. "I know it's complicated, just leave all that madness to me. Now we should start going before we're late." Nodding in agreement Alex and Mallix walked out to the car saying their goodbyes to Nina and Zander. Mallix walked ahead to jump into the passengers seat while Alex took a look back waving at the two inside, giving Zander a subtle wink before shutting the door and getting into the drivers seat.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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