Chapter 91: D5

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"Now to get Kaila." Mallix was confident in his wording as he was about to stick his head in the helmet. But as his face got closer to the thick fabric he pulled back repulsed by the horrid stench within. He gagged at the smell, as did Alex.

"Do these guys even shower?!" He genuinely asked the contact while he was shaking the smell of sweaty body odor out of his nostrils.

However, instead of getting a response all they got was a shy shrug. Mallix growled as he took a deep breathe of air before placing the moist mask over his face. He cringed as the wet material came into contact with his skin, but more so wanted to vomit when he ran out of air and had to breathe.

Both men coughed trying to push past the horrible smell. Lain was silently grateful to have lucked out on getting one of her own. Instead she just looked at them sympathetically as she took her husbands hand. No way was she about to make him carry her again when he had a mask like that on.

As both men readied themselves, the contact placed their ear on the door trying to listen for the Hounds who nearly caught them earlier. When they heard nothing, they cracked the door open making sure it was clear. "Let's go." They whispered dashing out of the room.

Alex immediately began running after. But both Mallix and Lain were still. "You sure you can handle this?" Mallix choked out trying not to let the smell he inhaled get to him. He could feel his wife's hand trembling.

"Y-yeah..." she forced a confident smile to which he nodded. Mallix took off slower than he would've liked, but if it meant keeping up with his wife then it was worth it.

They had trailed several feet away from both Alex and their masked guide until they all regrouped at the end of a hall. Their guide quietly signaled them to move against the wall.

"Why'd we stop?" Lain whispered trying to keep her need for air silent.

Alex held his finger to where his lips would be. Listening closer to the environment around, Lain went wide eyed when she heard an all too familiar yell.

Down a nearby hall, Elias had a Hound pinned against the wall by their neck. Each of their heads poked around the hall trying to see the ruckus. "Where's the girl?!" He shouted slamming the Hounds head.

Lain felt her stomach dropping watching the scene unfold. The veins in his muscular neck and arm bulged out throbbing as his grip tightened. They could all see the life clearly draining from the poor Hound too weak to retaliate. He had just barely enough room to push out a pathetic, "I...don't...know...".

Elias's face was as red as ever as his grip tightened. The group of four were mortified to hear a quick snap before Elias dropped the motionless Hound to the ground. He spat at his feet where the Hounds head had fallen before trudging away growling, "useless...I'll just go find her myself" under his breathe.

As soon as Elias vanished from view Lain felt an overwhelming rush of fear come over her as she turned hugging Mallix tightly as she wept into his armor. Trying to keep his own composure for the sake of his wife, Mallix held her close looking towards the others.

"Who was talking about?" Alex asked. But deep down he knew, and so did everyone else standing besides him. That was part of the reason Lain felt so overwhelmed. A massive burden was just thrown onto her shoulders—it was her fault that "innocent" Hound had died.

"We really need to hurry and get out of here before he finds us. How much longer do we have before the security systems turn back online?" Mallix asked their guide.

"About thirty." They glanced down at their watch.

"How much further is it to Kaila?" Mallix was struck with an idea.

"I don't know...maybe ten. Less if we keep running."

Turning to Alex, Mallix's grip on his wife tightened. "Do you remember how to get out of here?" When he nodded Mallix pried the helmet off and passed it to Alex. Pushing Lain away from him, he stared down at the sorrow in her eyes.

With his hands firmly on her shoulders he gulped. "Babe, go with Alex. He'll get you out of here. I'm going to get Kaila."

Even in the midst of her tears Lain knew she didn't want to stop here. Shoving his hands off of her she looked up at him disappointedly. "No!" Her voice was louder than a whisper but still soft enough to keep their location a secret. "You said we were getting Kaila together! So we are getting her TOGETHER!"

"There isn't enough time!" He sighed pulling her reluctant body into a hug. Whispering into her ear he said, "Please Lain...I can't lose you...not again. With these maniacs trying to find you I don't want to risk it. Alex knows the way out. You'll be safe with him. I can get Kaila and we'll meet you outside."

Every bone in her body ached as tears continued pouring out. She knew he was only trying to protect her. Besides as much as she wanted to stay, she knew she would only slow them down. Without her around he would be able to save Kaila and be out in time. She was fighting her own desires. She wanted to see Kaila when they saved her. Wanted to be able to tell her everything was going to be okay the second she could. But that wasn't reality. "Fine..." she let out with a heavy heart wanting to do what was best for her family—not for herself.

Mallix pressed his lips against hers to which she returned. As their lips separated they pressed their foreheads together, "be safe." She whispered to him.

"You too." He let go of her looking her one last time in the eyes before giving a nod to Alex.

"Let's get you out of here." He said passing back Mallix's mask, while lifting Lain up similarly to how Mallix had prior. In a flash his lover and best pal had disappeared from sight. For a moment his heart darkened already missing her presence.

Snapping back he looked at his guide who ran off into the direction of department five. Throwing his helmet back on he raced after.

He felt like he had been running for a few minutes before they passed a hall that caught his eye causing him to stop. "What're you doing?! Let's go!" His guide yelled.

Ignoring the masked figure, Mallix stood dumbfounded as his mouth gaped open. Down the hall had hundred of familiar drawings, all of which he knew belonged to his little girl from her drawing pattern. Walking down it briefly he chuckled and sucked his tears back seeing the portrait of their little family and two handprints where their stick-figures hands met.

"Mallix let's go! We're running out of time!" The distorted voice demanded again. Seeing these images gave him hope that she was still in a stable peace of mind. Before he knew it he was forcefully pulled away from the hall and the guide had taken off once again. Savoring the images in his head he pressed forwards.

As expected another set of double doors appeared in the distant. After being scanned through Mallix was shocked to see how different the atmosphere was. Going from a dark and intense department, to a brighter and more lively department was certainly unexpected.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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