Chapter 75: Surgery

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"Who is this?" Alex asked with the phone close to James face allowing him to easily see the number.

Gulping he smacked his lips trying to find the strength to get a word out. "It's a...well...uh...friend." He said bluntly, obviously lying to the duo. Not in the mood for any more games, Alex gave one look at Mallix who already had a grin spread across his face.

Grabbing the bat from off the floor he walked back over to James and gave him one good hit in the stomach. His younger brother grunting in pain as he watched his older brother smiling. The wretched feeling in his stomach itched with pain as it slowly melted away.

"Eyes back on me twerp," Alex demanded as James did so. "Now why don't you try that again. Who is this?"

Seeing Mallix playfully swinging the bat around in the room from the corner of his eye James looked back over to Alex nervous, "an informant."

"Who? What's his name?"

"I don't know."

Mallix approached him holding the bat high over his head. "No! No! No! Stop! I swear I don't know who he is! He's never told me his name before!" James blurted out.

Not believing him Mallix was about to swing the bat down, but just inches before hitting James again Alex put his hand out to stop him. "What?" Mallix asked confused.

"Just wait for a second. Don't get too trigger happy on me." Alex cracked a smile before looking back at James. "This informant, is he the one who's been telling you what's the deal with Lain and Kaila."

Without a word James nodded, whining when Mallix gripped a hold of the bat tightly threatening him with another beat down.

"What's he told you?" Alex asked.

James attention was too concerned with Mallix who's fingers danced against the handle of the bat madly. Snapping his fingers aggressively Alex grabbed James attention.

"Did you hear me?" He annoyingly asked as James shook his head.

"Pay attention to me, not your brother. I'm the one asking the questions. Now what has he told you about them?"

"N-nothing much..."

"Nothing much?" Alex rolled his eyes. James gulped hard hoping they would take it, but when Alex just met eyes with Mallix, James started sweating.

"No! No! Please no more! He...he told me which d-department their in!"

"What else?!" Alex got closer demanding better answers.

"And...and that they have tattoos on them that make it nearly impossible for them to leave, that the facility is filled to the brim with Hounds wandering around the place twenty-four-seven, that Kaila was recently bought by a buyer for their upcoming auction, and that Lain's about to be prepped for a surgery!"

"Wait what?!" Both Alex and Mallix froze in their tracks. They knew about Kaila's current condition but this was a surprise to hear about Lain.

"What do you mean my wife's about to be prepped for surgery?! What surgery?!" Mallix screamed at James with concerned eyes.

"I don't know...he never said anything further than the basic details. He only tells me what their going through, not how their going through it. I don't know anything about the surgery besides it's in a few days." James said as a tear crept its way to his eye.

Mallix felt himself building up with anger again, "thats BS James! I know you know more! What do you mean my wife's about to go through a surgery." He threatened holding the bat up over his shoulder making it apparent he was aiming for James manhood.

"Mallix! I swear on mom's grave! I don't know what surgery! All I know is that it's the final stage in her department! Like how Kaila's is to be sold off, Lain's is to go into surgery!" James pleaded letting the tear fall down, washing away a single trail of blood.

Mallix felt the strength in his body dissipate as he dropped the bat helplessly to the floor. "What else did he say about them?" Alex asked giving Mallix a chance to get ahold of himself.

"Nothing else. I swear I don't know anything else." James confessed shutting his eyes to stop any further tears from falling.

Alex got up from his spot trying to keep his composure, he knew if he were to lose it from the overwhelming pressure that this new information caused, Mallix would be in worst condition than he is now. Seeing how the strong man was turned away from them with his hands on his knees breathing heavily, Alex just grabbed a hold of him and helped him out of the room leaving James.

Shutting the door behind him, Alex didn't care as James shouted for his release. Taking Mallix out into the living room the two men just stood in silence letting the information process and sink in.

"Alex we need to do something now, it was bad enough knowing that I might never see Kaila again, but now there's a chance I won't even see my wife again!" Mallix bawled out getting flashes of their faces.

"Mallix you know we're doing everything we can right now. We're just waiting for Nina to get back with her materials to make our suits. In the meantime we need to figure out where this base is located. It'll do us no good to have the materials to break them out, if we don't even know where we're breaking them out of."

"I bet you he knows. Just like he knows everything else." Mallix frustratedly grabbed the nearest thing to him, which just so happened to be one of the couch pillows, and threw it across the house slamming it into a wall.

"Maybe..." Alex pondered, "you call Nina and see where she is and I'll go see if James knows anything."

"No you call Nina, he's my brother I'll go ask him."

"Mallix, you know I can't let you do that. Man your not completely there right now. All you want is to kill him. Your not exactly thinking rationally. Just let me handle this and you call Nina." Alex said leaving back towards James not letting Mallix have another say in the matter.

Grunting in response Mallix pulled his phone out of his back pocket clicking on Nina's name. 'Please be done and on your way back already.' He wished as he listened to what felt like an endless cycle of ringing.
Let me know what you think about Lain's situation. Thanks Lexx signing off

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