Trouble Maker

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Katsuki Bakugou is a known trouble maker.

When he was four he locked himself in a car during a summer heatwave and refused to come out until his mom agreed to get him the limited edition All Might action figure.

When he was six he pushed a kid off of the slide which resulted in the kid breaking their arm.

When he was eight he would spray paint his neighbor's houses and their cars he would also throw water balloons at their faces whenever they were outside.

At age 10 he would always steal his neighbor's valuables whenever he went to their house for a party. He would then sell them online and make them buy it back for a higher price.

At age 12 he got into his first physical fight which ended up with seven kids being sent to the hospital, five of which had nothing to do with the fight.

At 14 he stole money and a couple of snacks from multiple convince stores. He almost got caught but he stole someone's car and drove away. He later crashed it in a ditch.

At 16 he got a tattoo without anyone knowing. He did this by using a fake ID. He also snuck into a casino and won $25,000 before getting kicked out.

Now he is 18 and has done the stupidest thing he ever could have done.

"DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE!" Kirishima yelled at the blonde who was behind the wheel. He started shaking the blonde's shoulder and pointing behind them. "STEP ON IT BRO THEY ARE RIGHT BEHIND US!" "IM GOING AS FAST AS I FUCKING CAN SHITTY HAIR!" The blonde screamed while pressing his foot harder on the gas pedal.

"HAHA, I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID THIS!" Denki yelled out while sticking his head out the window to see the three cop cars chasing them down. "My mom is going to kill me if we get caught." Sero mumbled while clutching the back of his chair. "I KNOW! THIS IS SO CRAZY!" Mina yelled while shaking Sero's arm.

"PULL OVER RIGHT NOW!" Bakugou looked at the rearview mirror to see a cop sticking his head out with a megaphone in his hands. Bakugou stuck out his middle finger right before giving the wheel over to Kirishima so he could stick his head out as well.

"SUCK MY FUCKING DICK!" Bakugou yelled making the cop get even more upset. "THIS IS YOUR FINALLY WARNING BAKUGOU! PULLOVER NOW!" The cop yelled through the megaphone but Bakugou just ignored him and put his head back in the car and took the wheel from Kirishima.

"Okay this was fun but maybe we should listen to the cops now!" Sero said. "Don't be such a pussy bro!" Denki said while punching his friend on his shoulder. "But this is way worse than anything we've ever done!" "Yeah well, your the one who dared him to do it!" Mina said. "I didn't expect him to actually go out and fucking do it and drag us with him!" "Quit your fucking whining Tapey and enjoy the damn ride! It's not like we are going to crash or any-" "CAR!" Kirishima yelled while pointing in front of them to the black sedan they were about to hit.

Bakugou lifted his foot off of the gas and slammed it down on the breaks but the car didn't seem to slow down and they ended up crashing into the other car and they flipped over.

"Ah *cough* f-fuck" Bakugou coughed out. He then looked behind him to check if all of his friends were okay. "Oww is everyone okay?" Kirishima said while rubbing the side of his head and dusting away some broken glass that got on him. "Ugh... I think we are all fine..." Mina groaned out while rubbing her forehead. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Denki screamed making everyone cover their ears. "Dude why are you screaming?" Sero said and Denki started hitting the side of his head. "HUH? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! IS ANYONE ELSES EARS RINGING!?" He yelled and Sero slapped his hand over his mouth to shut him up.

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