Movie Night

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"Oh yeah let's get this winter break started!" Denki lifted up his arms and cheered.

"Two weeks of no school!" Kirishima cheered along side him. "Two weeks of Midoriya~" Mina teased while nudging Bakugou's arm with her elbow. "Shut the hell up!" Bakugou yelled making the rest of his squad laugh.

"Dude seriously when are you going too tell him?" Kiri asked while putting his arm around the blondes shoulder. "Ooh when you do it call me I want to be there when it happens! I bet it while be soooo cute!" Mina squealed while jumping up and down and clapping her hands excitedly.

"You're not going to see shit because I'm not going to tell him anything!" "Oh that's just the fear talking! It's just three simple words! I. Like. You! But if you want to be more romantic and get more of a reaction say love~" Mina said while smiling and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mina come on it's not that easy." Sero said with an eye roll. "Yes it is!" Mina exclaimed while putting her hands on her hips and giving the four boys a smug look. "Fine if it's so easy say it to your crush right now." Bakugou said and smirked when Mina's smile dropped and she immediately looked down at the ground.

"What? Her crush probably left school by now." Sero said. "Or they're probably on the bus. Mina do you know what bus they take maybe we could catch it in time." Denki suggested. "No they're still here." Bakugou told them. "Wait you know who it is!?" Kirishima exclaimed. "And you never told us!" Denki added. "Well Pinky are you going to do it or not?" Bakugou asked and Mina looked up and glared at him before letting out a sigh.

"I was going to wait until prom but I guess I have to prove my point now..." she then took in a deep breath before walking over to Sero and grabbing his hands.

"No way..." "Holy shit!" Both Kirishima and Denki whispered yelled while staring at the two holding hands.

"Sero." Mina said while looking up at him only to see his face completely red. "Haha I love you!" Mina giggled out before turning to face Bakugou. "See it's not that hard!" She told him while Sero stood completely still with a bright red face.

"I think you broke him." Denki said while poking the boy's face getting no reaction from him what so ever. "He's not even blinking." Kiri said while waving his hand in front of Sero's face. "Oh he's fine! But like I was saying if I could do it then so can you!" Mina said while poking the blonde in his chest.

"Tch, whatever!" Bakugou grumbled and walked off, drowning out Mina's laughter with each step he took.

'Ugh I'm not scared of anything! But just thinking about confessing to him makes my stomach hurt and my heart beat fast! Love is so fucking hard yet Pinky made it look so fucking easy! You know what I'll do it! Today! I'll tell him as soon as I see him!' Bakugou thought while walking outside of the school building. He made his way over to the parking lot and looked around until he saw Kaoruko waiting in the car.

"So you said we have to go to the store first?" Kaoruko asked as soon as Bakugou got inside of the car and buckled himself in. "Yeah I need to get the ice cream and cake." He told her. Kaoruko nodded and started to drive to the store. "Do you need help carrying the bags?" "My hand is fine. I got the stitches removed already." Bakugou grumbled. Kaoruko glanced down at his still bandaged hand before focusing back on the road. "I'm going to carry the bags." She said and Bakugou just grumbled in annoyance.

"So how's things going with you and Izuku~" "Why is he the only thing people want to talk to me about!" "Because you've never been in love before! It's nice seeing you all happy. Plus he's making you act different." "What the hell does that mean?" "It means ever since you got this crush on Izuku your grades have gone up, you're actually trying to reconnect with your parents, you're getting into less fights, I haven't seen you smoke, and when's the last time you threw a prank?" "When I stole the police car?" "Exactly! That was like 2 months ago!" "Holy shit..." "Haha I know! Haha he's already making you a better person and you two aren't even together yet!" Kaoruko laughed out.

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