Community Service

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Bakugou entered the building and was immediately hit with a chemically clean smell making his nose scrunch up. He walked up to the front desk where a lady with light pink hair styled in two low pigtails looked up from what she was doing and greeted him with a smile.

"You must be Bakugou!" She said in a cheerful tone. "Yeah, I am." Bakugou grumbled back in annoyance, he just wants to get this over with. "Well if you follow me I'll show you where you'll be working and what you have to do!" She said and got up from behind the counter picking up some folders as she did so.

Bakugou followed the lady down the hall and stopped once they reached some sort of lounge area. There were a bunch of older people just sitting around. Some were reading or knitting others were either asleep or talking to one another.

"Ugh smells like old people." Bakugou muttered to himself but the woman heard him and laughed slightly. "Get used to it kid." She told him making the blonde roll his eyes and groan.

"You'll be spending most of your time in this room." "Doing what?" Bakugou questioned. "Like talking with them, maybe playing a few card games, you could even plan events like a bingo night or some holiday-themed parties! You just have to hang out with them and make them feel young and appreciated again." "Why do that when they are just going to die soon." Bakugou mumbled to himself.

The lady started walking a different way so Bakugou reluctantly followed behind her.

They stopped walking once they reached a hospital wing. "Okay, so this is where everyone's rooms are. You should get used to who's room is which just in case you have to help them get there." She explained and Bakugou just nodded while looking at his phone. "Oh also, there are some empty rooms
down the hall for anybody else that comes in needing them." "Sounds great." Bakugou mumbled while he was holding his phone with one hand and texting using his thumb.

The lady looked over at him and sighed. "This place is also haunted and sometimes the ghost comes out and possesses all of the furniture!" "Wow so interesting." The blonde mumbled while selecting the eye roll emoji after Denki sent a meme in the group chat that was actually pretty funny. The lady sighed again and took the blonde's phone out of his hands. "Hey!" He shouted and she raised a finger to her lips telling him to be quiet.

"If you're going to get your community service hours here then you actually have to work for it. So starting now as soon as you step into the building I want you to give me your phone, understand?" She told him and he rolled his eyes. "Fine! Just show me what the hell I have to do today." He groaned out. The lady smiled and they started walking around the building more so Bakugou could get familiar with the layout.

Once they were done with the tour they went back to the lounge area. "Okay, Bakugou for the rest of your time here today I just want you to go and get to know these people since you're going to be here for a while they should know who you are." She told him and the blonde rolled his eyes. "Tch, I really have to introduce myself to these old farts?" "Yes, and you better not call them old farts have some respect. Also, take these." She handed him the folders she had been carrying the whole time.

"These are some notes on our regular patients. You know like their interest, hobbies, it also lists off a few things that you should avoid talking to them about." The nurse explained while he skimmed over a few files only seeing old people's faces. "Are there even any young people here? All I see are damn wrinkles and gray hair." Bakugou said while closing the folder. "Well, we do have a few child patients if you're more interested in caring for them." "Eww gross I meant kids my age." "How old are you again?" "18." "18...18...18" she began to mumble while tapping her chin with her pointer finger.

"I don't think he-" "Joy!" The pink-haired nurse turned around to be met with a lady with short brown hair. "We need some help calming down Mrs. Watanabe again!" "Okay, I'll be right over!" She called out then turned her attention back to Bakugou. "Okay so just get to know everybody until I come back." "Yeah whatever, quick question though what does this word mean?" He said and stood next to her pointing at the word.

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