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Bakugou and Uraraka arrived at the hospital at the same time today. One getting off of his motorcycle the other stepping out of her friend's car.

"Hi, Bakugou." Uraraka said and waved at the blonde who merely glared at her and stuck up his middle finger. The girl's friendly and polite smile switched to a frown as she trudged her way up the steps following the blonde inside.

"Hi, Nurse Joy!" Uraraka greeted the pink-haired nurse who was in the middle of taking Bakugou's phone away from him. "Oh hi Uraraka! How are you doing today?" "I'm good I aced my chemistry test today!" "Oh, good job!" "Yeah, I totally would have failed if Deku didn't help me study. Speaking of which where is he?" "Oh, he told me to tell you all that he's not feeling well today so he probably won't be coming for a few days." Bakugou frowned at the news and then his face quickly switched to disgust. "You mean he left me here with this!" Bakugou said while pointing at Uraraka.

"Hey! I could say the same thing about you douchebag!" Uraraka yelled her cheeks puffing out while doing so. "Who the hell are you calling a douchebag you bitch!?" "You! You prick!" "Well, at least I don't tell fucking lies to people!" "What lies!?" "You lied to Deku about that fight yesterday! You knew I didn't do it but you still told him I did!" "Well, how was I supposed to know if that was true or not!? You basically sleep with everyone in the school!" "Alright, that's enough!" Nurse Joy yelled gaining both of the teen's attention.

"Bakugou you go spend some time with the elders and Uraraka you go with the kids. I want you both to cool down before I put you both in the same room again." Joy told them. Bakugou and Uraraka glared at each other before they both turned around to walk to their separate locations.

Bakugou walked into the lounge and sat down at his usual table. 'That fucking bitch! I don't sleep with everyone in the school it was only a couple and I was dating most of them!' Bakugou thought. He then sighed and placed his head on the table. The thought of Deku hugging him then crossed his mind. 'Why did you have to be gone today. It's boring here without you...' Bakugou thought.

"Hey, kid." Bakugou lifted his head up and glared at the elders. "What the hell do you want?" He grumbled out. "Ooh someone's back to his grumpy self." An old lady said. "It's because Izuku isn't feeling well today so they can't spend time together. *sigh* Poor boy." Another lady sighed out. "So the brats only going to act nice when Izuku is around huh?" An older man said. "He is only trying to impress him." Someone else said and Bakugou just rolled his eyes and rested his head back down on the table.

"I knew this was all an act we should warn Izuku before he breaks his heart." Torino told the group and they all nodded their heads. "Don't tell him anything!" Bakugou yelled while lifting his head up to look at the elders who were all smirking at him. "Oh, why not?" "I don't want him to think I'm a jerk that bitch already lied to him about me." Bakugou grumbled.

"Who?" A lady asked and Bakugou sighed. "The girl that volunteers here now and spends time around Deku." "Oh, Nurse Uraraka's daughter. She's such a sweet girl." "She looks just like her mother." Some of the ladies started complimenting and saying nice things about her which began to annoy Bakugou.

"I think she likes our little Izuku." One of them said gaining Bakugous attention which made the elders laugh. "Oh someone's interested now." One of them teased making Bakugou grumbled and cross his arms. "Come on kid why don't we play a game while we talk." Torino said while getting up and walking over to his table some other elders joining him.

"You know how to play Poker kid?" Torino asked while shuffling the cards. "Tch, of course, I do." Torino chuckled and started passing out the cards while someone else passed out the chips.

"So we all know that you're interested in Izuku." Torino said when he finished passing the cards out. "Frankly I think Izuku's too good for him." A lady grumbled while putting on her glasses to look at her cards. "Oi don't you think I know that! I'm trying to change..." Bakugou mumbled while looking at his hand of two kings one was a heart the other was spades.

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