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Bakugou was currently hanging out in the principal's office. He was sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk. He had his feet propped up on the desk as he sat there reading a book written by a doctor.

Bakugou was about to turn to the next page but he paused and pressed the book against his chest while looking up at the ceiling. "Hey mouse man?" Bakugou said as he continued to stare up at the ceiling.

"Yes, Bakugou." Nezu said his eyes still focused on his computer screen typing out a response to an email. "How hard do you think it will be to make a cure for a rare sickness?" Nezu stopped typing and looked over at the blonde still staring up at the ceiling.

"Nearly impossible." Nezu said and Bakugou nodded expecting that to be the mans answer. "You know I never questioned it but why are you so interested in becoming a doctor all of a sudden?" Nezu asked and the teen sighed and took his feet off of the desk and sat properly in his chair.

"You know how I told you I have a boyfriend?" Bakugou said and Nezu nodded his head. "Well, he's sick, like really sick if he leaves the hospital he could die..." Bakugou said his voice trailing off at the end as a pained look overcame his face.

"I just want him to get better without having to breakup." Bakugou mumbled with his head hanging low. "Why would you need to breakup with him?" "Because if I don't breakup with him he could fucking die and it will be all my fault, but I love him too fucking much to leave him..." Bakugou said and covered his face with both of his hands.

Nezu watched as the distressed teen started to rub at his eyes trying to stop the tears that dare threaten to come out. Nezu has never seen the teen get this worked up over something other than his parents so he knew that this was something very important to him.

"So you think that if you breakup with this boy you'll essentially be helping him stay safe, correct?" Nezu asked and Bakugou nodded his head in reply. "Who put that idea in your head?" "His mom." "His mom?" Nezu repeated and Bakugou nodded. "Izuku's dad was the one who had the sickness and his mom told me that because they loved each other and wanted to be together so much he risked his life to achieve that. If they were never together that wouldn't have happened and he would still be here." "Katsuki... If they were never together Izuku wouldn't be here." Nezu said making the blonde frown bring his gaze down to the ground as he did so.

"If you ask me I think you two should stay together." Nezu said and Bakugou instantly stood up from his seat and scowled down at the shorter male. "SO WHAT YOU'RE JUST OKAY WITH HIM FUCKING DYING!?" He snarled at the man who just sighed and signaled him to sit back down which Bakugou did.

"Yes, I'm okay with him dying." Nezu said and Bakugou was about to start yelling at him again but Nezu held up his hand and continued what he was about to say. "But it has to be on his own terms." He concluded making Bakugou frown and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Nezu sighed and swiveled his chair around so he could give Bakugou his complete and undivided attention. "Okay let's say you two do breakup what would happen to Izuku?" "He would be safe." Bakugou answered and Nezu shook his head.

"Wrong he would be miserable." Nezu said making Bakugou frown slightly as he thought about what he was just told. "Sure he would be safer but that doesn't cover the fact that he will be heartbroken and who knows when he'll get over that. With him being stuck in one place all the time there's only so much he could do to distract himself from it." Nezu explained. Bakugou looked down and clenched his teeth together. His nails scratched against his pants as he closed his hands into fits that now rest on top of his thighs.

"Then how am I supposed to keep him safe?" Bakugou mumbled out making Nezu give him a pitiful look. "Listen kid Izuku is his own person with his own life that only he should be able to control. Every decision he chooses to make will be on him no one else. That's why I told you I'm okay with him dying. If he truly loves you just as much as you love him and he's willing to risk his own life just to be with you I don't see anything wrong with that since it was his choice." Nezu explained and the blonde looked up at him with angered eyes.

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