Phone Number

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(You can play the song now but it fits better later in the chapter)

"What's wrong with him?" Mina whispered. "I have no idea." Sero mumbled. "He's been doing this at my house too."Kirishima told them. "I'm getting kinda worried guys he's been doing this for a week now." Denki said. The whole table then gasped when Bakugou suddenly closed his book and got up from his seat. The teen walked up to the teacher's desk and waited for Aizawa to notice him.

"What do you want Bakugou?" Aizawa asked tiredly while looking up at the blonde. "What college do you think I'll go to?" Bakugou asked making Aizawa raise his eyebrows up at him. "You want the truth?" Bakugou just nodded. "With your grades and behavior, you'll be lucky enough to get into a community college." Bakugou nodded. "But with your parents, you could probably get into any college you want if they pay them well enough." Bakugou just nodded again.

"But without their help, I have no chance right." "Pretty much." "What if I get a perfect score on the National Center Test?" ( I think that's the test they take in Japan that's equal to the SATs) "That's impossible." Aizawa scoffed. "But if I do it what would happen?" "They would probably think you cheated." "And they would expect me to take it over right." "Yup." Bakugou just nodded his head.

"What's my grade in your class?" "An F." "You didn't even check." "I don't have to." "Fair enough. What do I need to do to get it to an A?" "Why are you so obsessed with your grades and college all of a sudden?" "That's none of your business now answer my question." "Fine, come back tomorrow and I'll have something for you." "Thanks." "Don't mention it." Bakugou then turned around and joined back with his friends at the table.

He took a seat and opened back up his biology book and started reading from the page he left off on. "Alright, Bakubro this is getting weird." Kirishima said. "Yeah man, why do you care about your grades all of a sudden?" Denki questioned. "And what's with you reading all these science and math-related books?" Sero asked. Bakugou just sighed and closed his book.

"What!? Is it so bad that I'm taking an interest in my future?!" He questioned. "It's not bad it's just not you." Mina told him making him roll his eyes. "Well get fucking used to it cause I actually care about my grades so I won't be doing any more stupid shit with you guys!" "But why now?" "Because I care now!" "It has something to do with Midoriya doesn't it?" Mina asked while resting her chin on her hands and leaning forward in her seat with a smirk plastered on her face.

Bakugou's face turned slightly red. "It has nothing to do with him! I just want to better myself that's it!" All of his friends looked at each other before looking back at the blonde with smirks on all of their faces.

"It doesn't have anything to do with him." Bakugou growled but his friends just tilted their heads and raised their eyebrows at him. "It doesn't!" "Come on bro." Kirishima said. "Ugh Fine! It may have something to do with Deku." Bakugou grumbled while crossing his arms.

"I knew it! Now spill!" Mina squealed. "Ugh, last week we were talking and we made a little promise..." "Which was?" Mina pressed on. "That if I become a doctor he'll go on a date with me..." Mina then let out a high pitch screech.

"Someone shut her up!" Aizawa yelled while his hands were pressed against his ears. Sero quickly took his hands from over his ears and covered Mina's mouth. "Thank you, Sero." Aizawa mumbled.

"Are you cool now?" Sero asked Mina and she nodded her head. "Okay." He said and slowly retracted his hands from over her mouth. "What the hell was that about Pinky!?" Bakugou yelled while uncovering his ears. "He likes you back!" "What are you on about?" "He said yes to your date!" "But that's only if he becomes a doctor and we all know that's never going to happen." Denki said and Bakugou glared at him.

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