A Pinky Promise

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Bakugou walked into the hospital and went straight towards the lounge.

'Please be here, please be here, please be here!' He thought while walking into the room.

A wide smile immediately appeared on his face when he saw the familiar set of green curls that he hasn't seen in a week.

"Deku!" He yelled making the boy sitting at the table turn around. He smiled once he saw Bakugou walking over to him. "Kacchan!" He yelled back making Bakugou's heart flutter. 'It's nice hearing that again.' Bakugou thought while taking a seat next to Deku.

"What happened to you? You left me here by myself for a week." "You weren't by your self Uraraka was with you." "Like I said I was by myself." Bakugou said making Deku giggle. 'Damn I missed his laugh.' Bakugou thought while staring at the greenette.

"*ahem* But uhh I think I got a stomach bug from something I ate." "Oh. You're feeling better now though right?" "Yup! I just needed some rest." "Well, I'm glad you're better." "Me too I missed everyone!" "Yeah I er we missed you too!" Bakugou said catching himself from saying something else.

"So what did you guys do while I wasn't here?" Deku asked. "Ugh, the usual but it was boring without you." "But Uraraka was with you." "Ugh, I know. Where is she anyway?" Bakugou asked while looking around to see where the brunette is.

"Oh, her mom told me that she's at a job interview today." "Finea fuckingly!" Bakugou cheered making Deku laugh. "Hopefully she gets the job so I won't have to see her anymore." "But she goes to your school." "Yeah, so she'll just go back to being another extra." Deku just smiled and shook his head at the blonde.

"You really don't like her do you?" "Nope!" "Why though? Did she do something to you because she seems really sweet." Deku questioned. 'Yeah she did something, she has feelings for you she says she doesn't but I don't really believe that.' "We just don't connect that's all." Bakugou said and Deku nodded in understanding.

"That's too bad she's really nice and the kids seem to like her a lot." "Ugh, can we stop talking about her?" Bakugou groaned out making Deku giggle again. "Okay...oh, are you excited for Thanksgiving next week?" "Uhh not really I don't want to have dinner with my parents again." "Things are still bad with them?" Bakugou just nodded his head and a thought then crossed his mind.

"Hey you know I've been talking about my family a lot what's yours like?" "My family?" "Yeah what're your parents like?" "Oh umm well my mom-" "Bakugou? Oh, there you are." Nurse Joy said while walking into the room. "Ugh, what is it?" "Phone." "Oh right." Bakugou reached into his jacket pocket and took out his phone and handed it over to her. "Thank you and make sure you plan some games for the Thanksgiving party next week." "Yeah yeah I got it." He said while waving his hand dismissively at her and looking back at Deku.

"What were you saying about your mom?" Bakugou asked him. "Oh um sorry, did you give her your actual phone?" "Yeah." "Ha, so you're not going to trick her anymore so you could keep it?" "Why would I keep it if I just want to talk with you." Bakugou said making Deku look down and smile softly while a light blush spread across his face.

"Oh..well uh m-my mom is really sweet and caring but she's super protective." "What do you mean?" "Well...she doesn't like it when I leave the house..." "Really?" "Yeah..." "So what she doesn't let you hang out with any of your friends after school or go to parties?" "Nope, it's just here, school, and home..." "That sucks." "Yeah..." "What does your dad think?" "Oh, he's the reason why my mom is so overprotective." "What does that mean?" "He umm died before I was born." "Oh...I'm sorry." "It's fine. I'm the only thing left from him though that's why she's so protective of me."

"Have you've ever wanted to meet him?" "All the time! There are so many questions I want to ask him but I'm okay with the stories my mom tells me from time to time. Ha, She even says that I act just like him, but I don't know if that's a good or bad thing." Deku said while smiling sadly,he mumbled he last part quietly to himself. "Geez, now I feel like an asshole for complaining about my life." Bakugou mumbled while running his hand through his hair.

"Haha*ahem* don't be everyone has their own unique issues." "Yeah but still I'm just being stubborn. I can actually talk to both my parents you can't." Deku just shrugged. "I don't really mind it that much I grew up with only my mom so to me, she's the only parent I really need. She may be difficult at times but I know she means well and just wants the best for me. But I still think you should talk to yours. They should hear what you have to say and you should hear what they have to say." "Yeah, I guess..." "Maybe you should actually have Thanksgiving with them so you guys could talk." Deku suggested.

"I don't know." Bakugou sighed out while closing his eyes and rubbing the back of his neck. "Can't I just have Thanksgiving with you at your house or something?" "M-My house!?" Deku stammered out. "Yeah I could get to meet your Mom, she wouldn't mind if I came would she?" "Uh probably not but uh we don't really do Thanksgiving at my house." "Then where do you do it?" "Umm here." "Here?" "Yeah because they throw the party every year-end um I g-get invited so I join in. All the nurses bring in some dishes and we sit around a table and say what we're thankful for then we eat and play some games after! It's really fun Oh and if you come you'll still get to meet my mom she usually brings her specialty, homemade apple pie it's soooo good!" Deku explained.

"You know a lot about what happens here don't you?" Bakugou questioned. "I mean yeah I volunteer here every year. I basically live here." Deku joked making Bakugou chuckle a bit. "I can't imagine you being a patient here." "Really? Why not?" "Well for starts you don't look or act sick. You're not some helpless kid like those brats are. And you would be so annoying and irritating to deal with if you were but you're not." Bakugou explained. "Ha yeah, that makes sense...I can't see you in a hospital either you know unless you keep smoking and get that lung cancer I warned you about or if you become a doctor but that last one definitely won't happen with your bad boy attitude." Deku teased.

"Ha ha very funny." Bakugou mocked making Deku giggle. "I actually stopped smoking now." "Really?" "Yup and I could probably become a doctor if I really wanted to." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!" "Pfft, I doubt it." "I'm serious watch I'll do it!" "Sure you will." Deku said while smirking and rolling his eyes.

"I will! And when I do you..." Bakugou pointed at Deku who was just smirking with one of his eyebrows raised waiting for the blonde to finish his sentence.

"Y-you have to go on a date with me!"

'Why the hell did I say that!?' Bakugou thought as he watched as Deku's eyes went wide and his face turned a bright shade of red. "A d-date!?" Bakugou nodded his face just as red as Deku's. "L-Like a date date?! Like going to the movies having dinner and stuff like that!?" "Y-Yeah..." Bakugou said shakily making Deku start to bite his lip and look down.

'Idiot! Why the fuck did I say that!? Now he knows I like him! I'm so bad at this feelings shit! He hates me now I know he does he's not even looking at me! I fucked up I fucked up bad! Why the fuck did I have to say that I'm so stupid! I probably ruined our whole friendship! I'm so fucking dumb! I'm so dumb! I'm so-'


Bakugou's head snapped up to see Deku blushing and smiling at him. "W-what did you say!?" Bakugou questioned making Deku giggle. "Haha*ahem* I said okay. If you become a doctor...I'll go on a date with you." "You promise?" Bakugou asked and Deku lifted up his pinky finger. Bakugou took the hint and smiled "You sure?" He asked while cautiously holding out his pinky finger. Deku just nodded and they locked their pinkies together.

"I promise to go on a date with you if you become a doctor." Deku said. "You mean when I become a doctor." Bakugou teased making Deku roll his eyes and laugh. "Haha *ahem* Fine, when you become a doctor I'll go on a date with you." Deku said while smiling up at the blonde.

The two separated their fingers and Deku started giggling a bit. "What's so funny?" Bakugou asked him. "It's just that it's going to take you years until you actually become a doctor." "Yeah I know... and I'm willing to wait for you." Bakugou said making the blush reappear on Deku's face.

"Ha, silly Kacchan..."

Promises can always be brok-

*gets slapped*


You are not doing that shit again!

Fine I won't do it, geez... bitch

What was that!?😡

Nothing! 😖

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